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DLO continuously asks for login information.

Level 3
Recently I reinstalled all software on one of my users laptops to clear up some performance and junk software issues. Since the reinstall I have not been able to get the DLO running, every time I start the program on the laptop it asks me to authenticate to the media server but will not accept the account information I provide it.

I have tried logging in to this laptop as 3 different active directory users in our network, all of which have matching DLO user profiles on the server, and each one does the same thing. I went back to a different PC with the DLO agent installed, logged in as the affected user and was able to start the DLO and begin a backup without troubles.

I have also tried deleting and recreating the DLO user on the server, including deleting their storage folder and allowing the software to recreate it, this made no difference. Lastly I've tried removing and reinstalling the agent from the DLO Agent folder on the server several times, no change.

We have a total of 7 DLO users currently and this is the only one with a problem.

Media Server Version: 9.1 Rev. 4691
Admin Console Version: 9.1 Rev. 4691

Level 3
Still having this problem, anyone have any suggestions or ideas?

Level 3
OK I've done more digging and have located the cause of my problem... Using the SGMon.exe program from the server's Backup Exec installation folder (under Program Files) I have noted the following error occurring when starting the DLO Client app:

Capturing to C:\SGMon.log
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: Client.cpp( 2390 ) Shadow::ClientUI::IsValidLogonAccount : RETURNING 1.
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: Client.cpp( 3129 ) Shadow::ClientUI::AuthenticateNetResource : NetProviderName=Microsoft Windows Network
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: Client.cpp( 3139 ) Shadow::ClientUI::AuthenticateNetResource : Calling WNetAddConnection2 for resource "\\DELL-1600" and user "empty"...
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: Client.cpp( 3143 ) Shadow::ClientUI::AuthenticateNetResource : WNetAddConnection2 RETURNED 0.
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ADODB.cpp( 792 ) Looking up cluster node info at \\DELL-1600\DLOClus\DLOCluster\ActiveNode.bin
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: Client.cpp( 3231 ) Shadow::ClientUI::AuthenticateNetResource : Normal case, returning SUCCESS.
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: Client.cpp( 2617 ) AuthenticateNetResource( \\DELL-1600, ... ) returned 00000000
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ADODB.cpp( 772 ) timeout: 20, retry interval: 300
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ADODB.cpp( 397 ) : query - SELECT * FROM Profile WHERE ProfileID=0
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ADODB.cpp( 792 ) Looking up cluster node info at \\DELL-1600\DLOClus\DLOCluster\ActiveNode.bin
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ADODB.cpp( 569 ) failed looking up cluster node info: E0140095
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ..\include\ADOCommon.h( 70 ) Connection error: 80004005( 0000007E ) : Unable to load communication module. Driver has not been correctly installed.
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ..\include\ADOCommon.h( 70 ) Connection error: 80004005( 00000000 ) : Client unable to establish connection
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ..\include\ADOCommon.h( 110 ) Unspecified error Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Unable to load communication module. Driver has not been correctly installed.
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ..\include\ADOCommon.h( 112 ) connection string: Provider=SQLOLEDB;Initial Catalog=BE_DLO;Integrated Security=SSPI;Net=dbnmpntw;Address=\\DELL-1600\pipe\MSSQL$BKUPEXECDLO\sql\query;Connect Timeout=20
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ..\include\ADOCommon.h( 113 ) query string:
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: ADODB.cpp( 515 ) ADODB::ExecuteQuery failed, caught ADODBError
DLOClientu: 12/21/06 13:48:33 dloclientu.exe 3016: Client.cpp( 3018 ) DELL-1600 is offline: 126

I'm looking for info on how to repair/replace/fix the error, it looks like it is linked to the system32\sqlsrv32.dll library... I've replaced this with one from another XPSP2 machine but it won't register using regsvr32, and re-issuing an mdac install (windows\servicepackfiles\i386\mdac.inf -> Install) did not fix it.

Any ideas?