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Dell PV 124t Slow Backup Speed

Level 3
I recently upgraded from 9.1 to 11d because my new 124T library was not recognized as a library only as a single drive. Now my 1GB/min backup is running at 5MB/min.
Data from another server on my domain is backed up quickly (200MB/min), but the data in the MD1000 runs at 5MB/min. The MD1000 is connected via SATA cable directly to the 2950 (the same server running BackupExec)

My specs for reference are below:
Dell 2950 Server 2003 SP1
Adaptec 39320A SCSI card (Tape Library connected to this card)
Dell 124T (Fully Loaded w/ tapes)
Symantec Antivirus
Medium Changer ID 6 Lun 1 (Dell driver - 2/15/05)
IBM TD3 SCSI Tape Drive ID 6 Lun 0 (Veritas Driver - 9/5/06)

I know some will say move the Tape Drive and Library off ID6, but keep in mind that I was seeing 985MB with the same data using BE 9.1 with no other changes. The 9.1 to 11d upgrade I performed 2 days ago is the only difference.

Level 3
Upgraded Adaptec drivers and switched from using Veritas drivers on the Tape Drive to using Dell drivers - now I'm seeing 1.2GB/min. Thanks so much to the Symantec staff for the advice.... NOT!

Level 3
Thats odd. I got the exact opposite results with my 124t. I was running slow until I changed to the BE drivers. Now im pulling 600mb-1.4gb/min for most backups. It was very noticable in 10d. Some still run in the 250mb-350mb range though..... I may try the dell drivers again in 11 if you are getting better results with them.

Go figure.

Level 2
I have the exact same setup (although I'm using SBS 2003) and am having problems finding the correct Adaptec driver for the 39320A SCSI card. Can you point me to where you found them?


Level 6

Level 2
Excellent! Thanks for the fast response.

I'll post again if this fixes my problem.

Level 6

Is the issue resolved?


Level 3
Nope. Am now backing up a replicated folder and the backup speed is half (500Mb/min). Using Server 2003 R2 DFSR. Tried both drivers with similar results. Seems like 11D has trouble with replicated folders. I heard Symantec was working on a fix.
Would be nice to go back to 1000Mb/min!!!