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Device driver update fails "wizard was interrupted"

Not applicable
I'm trying to install the latest driver update for BE 10.1 ver 5629 SP 1. The driver package is 20060415_282974.exe. I'm trying to install it on a Windows 2003 R2 SP1 enterprise addition server.
When I run the exe I get the error " The Wizard was interrupted before Symantec device drivers for Windows could be completely installed". If I extract the msi and run it with logging enabled I can see it failing with the error "CreateBaseSupportFiles. Return Value 3".
I've searched the forums and technotes and have found various articles relating to BE 9 and remote agent installs but nothing specific to this problem. Here's what I've tried already:
1\ Run the MDAC version checker and confirmed none of the files are mismatched.
2\ Installed Microsoft MDAC update KB898715
3\ looked for a file called resdll.dll. I couldn't find this but I did find Ifresdll.dll and tried renaming that but made no difference.
4\ Manually stopping the SQL$BackupExec service.

It seems the only option I'm left with is to uninstall but this seems like a bit of a cop out and seeing as it's affecting 9 different servers I'm not to keen with this option.
Any ideas anyone?

Level 6

Firstly perform the repair installation of Backup Exec and then retry installing the drivers. Please refer to the following link for repair procedure:

- Repairing Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x for Windows Servers

Hope this helps you.


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