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Directory Not Found: LiveUpdate\Downloads folder

Level 3
A backup job is ending in an error because a folder named something like C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Downloads\Tri### could not be found. This *appears* to be a folder used by Symantec LiveUpdate for Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition. It appears that LiveUpdate created a temporary folder (actually three of them) and it existed at the beginning of the backup job but by the time that Backup Exec got to writing the folder to tape, LiveUpdate had deleted the folder.

Since the job ends in error, this is not something that can be ignored such as skipped files that are in use. I assume that it would be safe to exclude the folder from being backed up (please verify that), but the big questions is how to do that because the folder is dynamically named. From the Selections in the backup job, I can only exclude the LiveUpdate\Downloads folder (and all subfolders and files). I see no way to backup the folder itself but exclude all subfolders. I also assume that it is *not* safe to exclude the Downloads folder and all the files in that folder from the backup selection.

How do I exclude these dynamically named folders and stop the job from ending in error?

Level 6

Kindly exclude the Download folder from the backup selections and then check if the backup job runs fine...

Thank You,


Level 3
I have no doubt that by excluding the Downloads folder the backup job will run fine. What I am concerned with is restoring the data that didn't get backed up because this folder did not get backed up. By excluding that folder, not only will the temporary sub-folders be excluded but also the other files in the Downloads folder and the Downloads folder itself will be excluded.

Should I infer from your suggestion to exclude the Downloads folder that you *know for sure* that this particular application will run fine after a disaster recovery without the Downloads folder being restored, that is, SAV CE needs nothing in that folder (the whole folder (not just the dynamically named sub-folders) is for just temporary use) and will recreate the folder if it does not exist? Since the folder is from a Symantec application, maybe you have special insight into the needs for a disaster recovery for this application, or maybe you have some practical experience doing a disaster recovery with this application that lead you to suggest just excluding the entire Downloads folder. My experience with disaster recovery (restore form bare metal) is that the folders that were excluded during normal backups (usually because they are always in use and can't be backed up) caused huge problems. (In fact, at one customer site, I was there for 17 hours straight with three engineers from Veritas and two from Microsoft on the phone trying to restore/recreate the files/folders that had been excluded during the backup process and therefore not restored after the disaster.) So, I am not caviler in excluding folders from the backup job.

I also assume from your response that there is no way to specify an exclusion of the dynamically named sub-folders in the Downloads folder but include the files and the Downloads folder itself. Is that correct?

Level 6

Can you exclude the individual files from the Download folder from the backup selections and then check the backup job again...

Thank you,


Level 3
I am sorry, but that reply is not at all helpful. Please address the specific questions that I asked previously. You appear to be addressing only the backup job error and ignoring how to restore needed files. A backup that cannot restore a system completely is not worth doing.

I could do the backup real quick, without much daily work, and never get a backup error by excluding everything, but when it came time to restore something from that backup, it would be useless. By this absurd extreme example, do you get the point that being able to restore from a backup is of utmost importance?

I need to know how to stop the errors that the backup job is getting but also be able to restore what is "needed". Since Backup Exec apparently does not give me fine enough control over what folders and files to exclude because they are dynamically named, I need help in knowing what files in the only folder that Backup Exec will let me exclude are "needed" and how to get those needed files backed up.