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Do I need to upgrade from backup 11d

Level 4
I currently run Windows 2k AD, File and SQL server.  I also run a Exchange 2000 server

I backup up files on both servers plus Exchange and SQL

I am building 3 new servers:

2008 AD and file server (Files and AD to backup)
2008 server with 2007 Exchange server (Files and Excahnge to backup)
2008 server with SQL 2005 server (Files and SQL data to backup)

Will Backup Exec 11d run with the above.

If not what will I need to buy?


Employee Accredited Certified
Yes you do, 11D does not support Windows 2008

Please check the software compatibility list for 11D

If Windows 2008 R2 is involved you MUST go to BE 2010 (the latest version) and you will at least need a core/media server license  and Exchange Agent License and a SQL Agent License - you might also want to consider the granular capabilities offered but the Acrtive Directory Recovery Option - although AD can be protected via the System State etc if you are only worried about DR situations

BTW both the Exchange agent and SQL Agents allow you to backup the file systems of the server running Exchange and SQL.

Level 4
Many thanks

So if I get an additional server (Not SQL or Excange lets say another file server) will I still have to buy an additional agent and if so which one

Employee Accredited Certified
You need at least one appropriate agent per server however:
1) A media server can always bacikup it's own file system - but will need an Exchnage and/or a SQL Agent if these products are installed on the Media Server
2) An Exchnage Agent can alwsys backup the file system of an Exchnage server
3) A SQL Agent can always backup the file system of a SQL server.

So if your additional file server is not your media server and not your Exchange or SQL server then you will need a Remote Agent for Windows Servers as well.

Level 4
Thats great thanks

Re AD Agent.  I used BESR for the AD server so I sould be covered with that?

Employee Accredited Certified
BESR and BE without the AD agent only provide the ability to restore a complete AD - the AD agent whilst not a requirement to backup your AD gives the ability to restore a single user - you don't have to use it but it gives more functionality when restoring

Level 6

You need to purchase "Remote Agent for Windows Server (RAWS)" License.

Level 4
Thanks again

What are the advantaged of using Back Exec SQL agent over whats available with SQL for backing up databases?

Why is the thread -1?

Employee Accredited Certified
if you backup with SQL (I assume to a file) and then backup the file with Backup Exec - then both backups arnd restores are a multi-stage process. Using the Agent you can backup and restore SQL data directly to and from the tape. I belive there are also benefits if you don't want to always do full backlups too.

The -1 is because a forum user has decided he did not agree with Dev T's post  - not sure why though :)