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Does anyone else have probems with Selection lists becoming corrupt

Level 2
We have been using Backup exec for a number of years.

We recently upgraded to 2010 and having set everything up were backing up 400+ Gb everynight with no issues.

However in the last couple of weeks we have had a problem with a couple of SQL instances not backing up correctly/failing.  They would fail with either failing dbcc checks or saying a DB is corrupt however running a manual/seperate job for these instances results in a full backup each and every time.  I have taken the step of removing these instances from the main backup job and scheduling a seperate job for them to run before the main backup job.

This works fine but I really want to have these run under one job I know that in the previous version (v12) this would happen periodically and by recreating the selection list/creating a new job would resolve the issue but I was told that this problem was resolved in 2010.

Before I go down the road of recreating the jobs/selection lists I wondered if anyone else out there has had a similar issue.

Our support company have contacted symantec support but they only say that it would appear that the DB is in use at the time of B/U therefore causing it to fail.  This I do not accept as the job runs at 03-00 in the morning and if I run a manual job while there are people in the office and possibly using the DB I can back this up with no issues.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
This is a known issue when you upgrade from the prvious version. I had the same issue and had to create my selection list again to resolve this issue. This only happens when you upgrade the BE from one version to other and sometimes the selection list get corrupted and doesn't show the check mark also for the data in the selection list. You can't try the repair install of BE if that helps but not sure if it will.

Level 2
Thanks for your reply

But in this case this is not an upgraded system.

Although we have used backup exec for a number of years this is a fresh install on a new server

Level 2

Quick update on this

We seperated this SQL instance from the main backup job and created a new job just for this instance.  This worked without any issues we also ran the job at the same time as when it was in the main job (on request of Symantec support) and this ran with no issues, we therefore added the instance back into the main backup job setting it for the original timimg (i.e. back to how it was in the start) and this has run without issue.

When our support company contacted Symantec support about this they were told "Symantic are saying that at the moment there is no reported problem with this in 2010, or we are one of the first. Unfortunately, no hotfix is engineered by symantic if one customer reports a problem. If more and more customers start reporting there is a problem with this then a hotfix will produced to fix this".

So if anyone else has this issue please report it to Symantec support that way we may get this fixedsmiley