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Error: 0xa0008488 - Access is denied

Level 2
Please can you help me with the following problem. Backup program is version 9.1 rev 4691.
When I backup the Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes, the status changes to loading media (tape is in the device) and the time is counting. The backup won't stop, I only can cancel the job.
What can I do to fix this? When I exclude the mailboxes from the job, so only the data, sharepoint,..., the backup ends successfully.
So I tested the job with only the Exchange mailboxes. Job ends but with an error message. In the Job Log : Job Completion Status : Completed Status failed. Final error : 0xa0008488 - access is denied. Final error category : Security errors.
Log : Errors : Backup - \\Servername\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes
Access denied to file USERID DS: Mail_delivery_failed.
Log: Menu Exceptions : Same error, but DS: Mail_delivery_failed in use - skipped.

Why do I get the message in use? How can I fix this so the backup will work also with the Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes.

Thanks in advance...


Level 3
When you set the job up, when you expand out the server and see the microsoft exchange mailboxes part you can right click and select "connect as". You will prob need to use an account that has Exchange Admin rights on the actual exchange server, so maybe add the backup account that you use into the exchange permissions heirachy and try it again.

Level 2
Logon account = local account which is the Administrator and has all privileges

So I don't know anymore what else I can do, or is it just a bug? Any updates for 9.1?

Level 2
OK, I found the problem. The mails (spam) were deleted on the pc (exchange) also the deleted items and unwanted mails were deleted. OK, all mails mentioned by Backup Exec were deleted. BUT, the mails were still in the information store!!! When I connected thru OWA, the mails were still in the inbox, deleted items,....
When clicking on the mail, preview pane said, can't find information,,,, blah blah blah. After I deleted the mails here in OWA, the backup was successfull!!!!

So after searching a lot... I finally found it...

Level 6
Hello Gunther,

Thanks for the update.
