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Error 1065: Tha database specified does not exist.

Not applicable
I've changed the userid/password (services.msc, log on tab) of all backup exec services, but when I start Backup Exec Device & Media Service, it fails with the above error, all other services start without problems, when I back the userid/password, it starts normally.

Manoel Dias

Level 6
Follow these steps:
1) Make sure MSSQL$BKUPEXEC service is running under "LSA" (Local System Account).
2) Repair Backupexec installation:
Repairing VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 9.x for Windows Servers

If it still fails with the same error message, Check out the MDAC files for any mismtach error:
You need to verify systems MDAC with the MDAC component checker Here's the link for the component checker.
Here are the steps which you may follow:- -Run component checker. Select the first option to determine release. Click yes.
-Select the second option, but select the version identified in the first option.
-Under file details you should see a Match if everything is correct otherwise you will see a mismatch DLLS.
If there is any mismatch dlls, replace it with the expected versions from another server and try to start the services.

If you find any mismatch RELOAD MDAC 2.8: