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Error V-79-40960-37914

Level 3

I am getting this error after my SQL backup was going well. I have sheduled SQL daily full backup Mon-Thu and also Full backup on Fri on BE. The problem I am getting error V-79-40960-37914  and I have gone throgh BE KB and it says I have to do Tranaction log backup. I have Databse restore setting on my SQL set to Full and my DB is business critical so I dont want to go with Simple mode.The question is what should I do now? Do I need to carry Full Transaction Log backup first and then do Full SQL backup on BE? Please help in which I dont lose Data and have an option to revert back of my data in case somthing goes wrong.I mean I need an option to rstore my data at all points. Much appreciate your help.


Level 3



I have got now this error V-79-40960-37914 - Database msdb is configured to maintain transaction logs. Transaction log backups...


 I have done Transaction log backup first and when I tried to do full SQL backup on BE it gave me this error. Would appreciate if you can help me as I am not very familiar with SQL backup.

   VIP    Certified

Did you do a transaction log backup with log truncation?  There are 2 log backup settings, one with log truncation and one without.  If you do not truncate your log then you will get this message.

BTW, you should run the log backup with truncation after your full backup.  In case your full backup fails, you still have your logs to restore your database.  With the logs truncated, you should not get the error message in the next full backup.

Level 3

Thanks PKH for reply. I have done Transaction Log Backup and it was successful. Also I was waiting for Friday Full backup to see the result and luckily it was successul too. In this case did I do the right process or I need to do anything else. Just to mention that I have ticked when doing transaction backup, my SQL database ,"msdb" and "model". was that what I need to tick or I need to se;ect "Master" database as well?

Thanks for advice.

   VIP    Certified

The master, model and msdb databases uses simple recovery mode and they should not be included in any transaction log backup because they do not have transaction logs.