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Error: a000846b

Level 2

I am trying to backup a linux samba share and continue to get the following error:

Credentials CheckDevice : \\, \\\structureCheck status : Error: a000846b, The job failed with the following error:
Device could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to the Remote Agent for Windows Servers.
Make sure that the Remote Agent for Windows Servers is running on the target computer.

I have setup the user-defined share and I set it up to login to the server with an account that I have tested to work. Any assistance is appreciated.

Level 6
Hello Banjamin,

- Could you let us know what Version of Linux are you using?
- Is this account that you configured a ROOT account?
- Try making Host File Entries. Enter the IP address and the Name of the Media Server in the host File of the Linux Machine and vice-versa.


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Level 2

I am using debian 3.1 stable with Samaba-3.0.14a-Debian (package/version)

I am not logging into the machine with a root account, but the account has access to every folder that is shared.

When I setup the job, it doesn't complain about the login account, so it is able to access the servers and see inside the directories.

I have edited the host files on both machines to contain each other.

From the logs from samba, the server is making a connection sucessfully...

file1:/var/log/samba# tail log.kermit
kermit ( closed connection to service structure
kermit ( connect to service buffalo initially as user POPLIENGINEERS+bwalter (uid=500, gid=500) (pid 5272)
kermit ( closed connection to service buffalo
kermit ( connect to service structure initially as user POPLIENGINEERS+bwalter (uid=500, gid=500) (pid 5272)
kermit ( closed connection to service structure

Any advice is appreciated.

Level 6

Create a new User account in BE with ROOT and start the backup ..

Also refer the SCL of BEWS 9.1 , to check for the compatibility of debian 3.1 with BEWS 9.1

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.