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Exchange 2007 Mailbox.edb backup

Level 2
I need help with backing up the Mailbox Database.edb file. When i create my selection list for the backup job i see the file; However when i select it and run the backup job the file is not backed up. I have the
f:\database\general and f:\database\public folders backed up but the .edb file shold show under f:\database\general\mailbox database.edb just like it was on the selection list. Dont know why Backup exec 11d is not grabbing this file, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Level 6
Employee Accredited



Backup Exec, by design, will not backup the file. We actively exclude all database files for all databases we have agents for.


You can disable active file exclusion, but in order to backup the file you will need to stop all Exchange services whenever a backup is being performed, as Exchange will put a lock on the file and prevent us from backing it up.


You can read more by visiting here:


How to disable the Active File Exclusion feature in Backup Exec for Windows Servers


In order to backup Exchange 2007, you will need to purchase an Exchange agent and install Backup Exec 11.d Revision 7170.


Even with the agent, however, you will not be able to backup the file without disabling the active file exclusion.

Level 2
I have the 7170 but hesitate to upgrade due to the fact i have heard of DFS isuues with 7170 as stated here . I just want to make sure i can back up my exchange files and mailboxes without compromising DFS.

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Unfortunately, the only method to backup the Exchange Information Store without using the agent is as stated above. The services will have to be taken offline, and the active file exclusion will have to be disabled.


Let us know if you need anything further.

Level 6
Hi Greatwhite,
You should clarify whether you actually purchased the Exchange agent before we try to discuss further.
Stopping exchange services and disabling Actiev File Exclusion is honestly something you'll regret at some point, one way or the other.
You don't want mail to stop flowing during your backups for a start. But also, online backup is a kind of integrity check. Exchange databases can suffer issues that an online backup will bring immediately to your attention. Otherwise you'll resort to having a batch file down your service and manually check it once a week.
You'll also miss out on being able to restore individual mailboxes, or use the Recovery Storage Group if you try backig up this file, rather than the Information Store.
Finally, kind of defeats the purpose of purchasing Veritas- we tend to make the investment in this product for exactly the features I listed above.

Level 2
Thanks for all the replies. I have the agent and i have downloaded the 7170 upgrade. Im just going to have to install them both and hope i dont have DFS issues. If i do then i will figure it out from there. I have always used Varitas and have had no problems in the past. I guess this is an exchange 2007 problem..with 5.5. i didnt run into exchange issues. Thaks again for the help.

Level 3
Hey GreatWhite, refer to the following thread if you run into problems even after loading the agent and you get the backup job configured to do Exchange 2007:

So far no response from Symantec on this issue.  A number of us have placed calls into support with no response.