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Exchange 2007 backup: -1 not yet implimented

Level 3
Hey all.

 I have been reading the forum, and havent quit found the same problem as mine, so here goes:

 When im backing up my exchange 2007 store, it runs all the way, but fails "when done"...

 I backup to disk, and then have a copy-job to tape (disk to tape works fine, and it copy same amount af the backup gets from exchange).

 Problem is, i cant restore anything, and i get 2 errors when the job is done. (so.. it tell me it has backed up aprox 80GB from the store, but fails in the end).

 This is getting a huge problem for our firm, not only because we can loose important data, but because we already did :(  so.. im not loaded with credit atm....

 This is an update from 11D - Here are som tech spec, followed by som errors, and some job descriptions

 Tech data:

Exchange server:
 Windows 2003 sp2, x64 Enterprise Edition
 Exchange 2007, Version: 08.01.0240.006

Backup server:
 Windows 2003 sp2, x86 Standard Edition
 Symantec Backup Exec 12
   Media Server: Version 12.0 rev 1364
   Installed updates: Service pack 1
                                Hotfix 302981

Job ended: 4. juni 2008 at 13:08:13 Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe0008488 - Access is denied. Final error category: Security Errors

(Been searching and checking agent, file, server, eventlog, client, exchange rights and more - again and again.. cant figure out where this "denied" comes from)

Backup- \\<server>\Microsoft Information Store\<store>
Unable to complete the operation for the selected resource using the specified options. The following error was returned when opening the Exchange Database file: '-1 The function is not yet implemented. '
This one puzzles me...

I really hope someone can help, or provide som input - im not sure what to do..

I have been going throu VSS on the exchange server, but it semes fine, and the providers are there (cmd prompt:  VSSADMIN LIST WRITERS)

Tried rebuilding the regkey: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\EventSystem\{26c409cc-ae86-11d1-b616-00805fc79216}\Subscriptions


re "re-reged" the dll's
cd /d %windir%\system32
Net stop vss
Net stop swprv
regsvr32 ole32.dll
regsvr32 oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 vss_ps.dll
vssvc /register
regsvr32 /i swprv.dll
regsvr32 /i eventcls.dll
regsvr32 es.dll
regsvr32 stdprov.dll
regsvr32 vssui.dll
regsvr32 msxml.dll
regsvr32 msxml3.dll
regsvr32 msxml4.dll

no change

and i checked if the ESE.dll are the same version - they are.

Job Options:
                  check in :  Backup files and dirs bu following junction points
                                    Backup files and dirs bu following symbolic links

                  Open file backup when advanced....    :  Never
                  Method: Full - database & logs (flush...)
                  Use backup Exec granular... enable restore of individual mailboxes
                  Backup from passive, if fail - try active

Help :)

 Thank you for your time!


Accepted Solutions

Level 3



 Finally i got the solution!


  Zuber S,Technical Support Analyst helped me "nail" the problem.


 I use a 32 media-server, and the exchange tools installed in this, was out of date. It was NOT the service-pack 1 release. This resulted in the -1 error, and further more "access denied".


 Hope i helps others.


Kind regards


View solution in original post


Level 3

Hi again.

 Been doing som testing - and i have come to the point where i can take a full store backup now.

 It turns out the error is only when enabling restore of individual mailboxes.. but i cant figure out why.

 I have also applied a "fix" from microsoft (changing an "9055 exchange Writer" Dword value to 1 in registry, on the exchange server). Sadly it wasnt enough for my case (but it worked for another company with the same problem).

 Been following Johan's answer on TechNet as follows(but still no success):

I've read some articles about this issues who say that you have to uncheck ""Enable restore of individual mail items from the Information Store backup checked" if that works then you should check the following articles:


* Has a mailbox that is not hidden from the Exchange Global Address list:
* Has "Exchange full administrator" rights on the organisational level :
* Has an :
* Has "Exchange full administrator" rights on the organisational level :
* Has an active mailbox associated. Send a message to the mailbox and log onto it with Outlook or OWA.
So if anyone have anye kind of input, ill be very happy to try it out :)

Thank you

Kind regards

Message Edited by Daniel Lauritzen on 06-23-2008 11:16 PM

Message Edited by Daniel Lauritzen on 06-23-2008 11:16 PM

Level 3



 Finally i got the solution!


  Zuber S,Technical Support Analyst helped me "nail" the problem.


 I use a 32 media-server, and the exchange tools installed in this, was out of date. It was NOT the service-pack 1 release. This resulted in the -1 error, and further more "access denied".


 Hope i helps others.


Kind regards
