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Exchange Agent & BKF Files?

Level 4
We've been running BackupExec 10 with the Exchange Agent for a couple of years now, and never had any problems. However we've just done a new Exchange install for a client, and installed BackupExec 11d + Exchange Agent. After doing the install I ran an initial backup of Exchange, and noticed that rather than creating a sinlge BKF file, as our BackupExec does, it created a folder called IMG00001, which looked like it just contained copies of the Exchange program files, there were several .dll files and .ini files inside. No BKF file was created. I'm sure I setup their install similar to ours, they use 2x 500GB USB removable hard drives, one called WeekA, the other is WeekB, they get rotated, and I set these up as Removable Backup-to-Disk Folders, with the media type set to B2D.
Am I missing something? Is there a setting to create BKF files?
Any help/suggestions much appreciated!
Many thanks