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Exchange Backup failing Interimittently

Level 2
There is a backup issue which is not getting resolved since long time. We have tried many options with no luck.
Backups are getting failed due to VSS and Symantec OFO failures. The backup failure is happening Intermittently.

We are using backup exec 10d with SP1

Last error message as follows

Job Completion Status
Job ended: Sunday, June 27, 2010 at 1:45:57 PM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe000fed1 - A failure occurred querying the Writer status.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65233


Backup- \\FOZZIE\Microsoft Exchange Public Folders AOFO: Initialization failure on: "\\FOZZIE\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
Snapshot provider error (0xE000FED1): A failure occurred querying the Writer status.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.
Writer Name: Exchange Server, Writer ID: {76FE1AC4-15F7-4BCD-987E-8E1ACB462FB7}, Last error: The VSS Writer failed, but the operation can be retried (0x800423f3), State: Failed during prepare backup operation (7).  Consult your Microsoft documentation for details. Check the Windows Event Viewer for corresponding application or system errors.

AOFO: Initialization failure on: "C:". Advanced Open File Option used: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
Snapshot provider error (0xE0008523): VERITAS Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) cannot snap the specified volume. Restart the target computer, and then run the job again.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

Backup- \\FOZZIE\C: AOFO: Initialization failure on: "D:". Advanced Open File Option used: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
Snapshot provider error (0xE0008523): VERITAS Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) cannot snap the specified volume. Restart the target computer, and then run the job again.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

Backup- \\FOZZIE\D: Data1AOFO: Initialization failure on: "E:". Advanced Open File Option used: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
Snapshot provider error (0xE0008523): VERITAS Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) cannot snap the specified volume. Restart the target computer, and then run the job again.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

Backup- \\FOZZIE\E: ExchangeAOFO: Initialization failure on: "F:". Advanced Open File Option used: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
Snapshot provider error (0xE0008523): VERITAS Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) cannot snap the specified volume. Restart the target computer, and then run the job again.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.


The options we have tried are:

1. Installed the MS hot fix  KB940349.

2. Re registered VSS related files as follows

net stop "System Event Notification"
net stop "COM+ Event System"
net stop "Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider "
net stop "Volume Shadow Copy"
cd /d %windir%\system32
net stop vss
net stop swprv
regsvr32 /s ole32.dll
regsvr32 /s oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 /s vss_ps.dll
vssvc /register
regsvr32 /s /i swprv.dll
regsvr32 /s /i eventcls.dll
regsvr32 /s es.dll
regsvr32 /s stdprov.dll
regsvr32 /s vssui.dll
regsvr32 /s msxml.dll
regsvr32 /s msxml3.dll
regsvr32 /s msxml4.dll

Any help would be highly appreciated..... Thanks in advance

Level 6
What erros are generated in the Event log ? Check the application as well as system log ?
IF you have enabled shadow copies on the volume try disabling it .
Its more on issue with VSS writers so you would need to get in touch with microsoft .

Level 6
Also the In the backup job properties ---go to Advance disk bases option--- Make sure you select the option to use the microsoft shadow copy provider instead of VERITAS Volume Snapshot Provider
As we see in the job it is try to use the VSP to take a snapshot and not VSS
VERITAS Volume Snapshot Provider options is to used for windows 2000 server as it does not VSS

Level 2
Thanks Rahul... Will try that "advanced Disk based option" and let u know....