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Exchange mailbox and public folder restore on different computer

Level 2
Hi All,

It's maybe a easy thing but I couldn't make it.

So my problem is:
I want to restore some exch mailboxes and public folders on a different exch server, but the opreation allways says:

Authentication failed on connection to the server. Make sure that the user account has the appropriate permissions and that the password was typed correctly

I check the log details and I see that it tries to access the original server, when I try the redirect option it makes the same.

I'm very new in backup exec, sorry if it's a dummy question.

Thanks for your help.



Level 6

What is the Exchange version?

Did you try redirecting the restore to this Exchange server?

Are you restoring just some mailboxes?

Are you restoring with the same account that you used to back up the Exchange resources?

Level 2

Exchange 2003 SP2

Yes I try redirecting, the error message is the same.

Yes some mailboxes, only.

I created an account the same name and password on the restore server.



Level 6
The error will occur if the Domain Security Settings are defined to Deny log on locally for the Backup Exec logon account.

This error may also occur if the Backup Exec logon account does not have the following rights:
-Act as part of the operating system
-Create a token object
-Log on as a service
-Allow to log on locally

To modify the Domain Security Settings, go to Start--Programs--Administrative Tools--Domain Security Policy. Expand Local Policies. Highlight Act as part of the operating system as the first right to assign

Double click on the selection and put a check mark in Define these policy settings

Now click on the Add button and either type in or browse to the user account needed.

Follow the same steps for the remaining rights listed above. Keep in mind that Deny logon locally should NOT be defined. If it is, double click on it and deselect the check box for Define these policy settings.
