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Filename length limit?

Level 4
I am trying to backup files off a Samba 3.0 share living on a Mac OS X system (using Mac Agent) from a 2003 server system with 9.1. The backup job is reporting some access denied errors. But all the files on the drive have the same permissions and most the files are getting backed up.

The only thing I've noticed is that the names of all of the files that fail are 255 characters or longer when expanded to \\machine\share\path\filename. Is there a limit to the length of filenames for Samba, 2003 server, or Backup Exec 9.1? Or is this a bug?

Level 4
I dont know for Samba. But for windows there is a 255 character limit. Windows needs to query a samba server i presume that It will looks for the 1st 255 characters. If the path is longer I dont think that your Backup Exec server will be able to read the files on the samba server.

Level 4
Everything I have read implies that Window's has either a 32k limit (the Win32 developer docs) or 260 (256+drive letter+:+\+NULL - from various anecdotes on the web).

Regardless mine fails at 255 - short of both limits.

Level 6

The error is due to a limitation of the NTFS file system. NTFS file and directory names can only be up to 255 characters long, including extensions.
YOu will have to rename the files.
More information can be found in the Microsoft article below:;en-us;102739


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