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Files needed to backup MS Exchange

Level 2
I hope this isn't too simple of a question but here goes:
Using Veritas 9.1 and the Exchange Agent to backup my Exchange database. Do I need to back up the database files AND the mailboxes??? That would seem to be backing up the data twice. I have heard that you do but it seems like overkill.

Can I just backup the mailboxes and won't a restore restore things to the proper database files?

- dan

Level 5
It is usually useful to backup the mailboxes and the Information store.

The backup of the mailboxes is useful if you want to restore just a single mail message or folder in a mailbox.

The backup of the IS is very important as if there is a server crash you cabn do a exchange recovery very easily.

Basically you can get away by not backing up the mailboxes if you dont want a brick level restore functionality but the backup of the IS is very important.

Go through the following TN for more Info

Level 2
let me rephrase. if i back up the mailboxes (and the IS), do i need to backup the files: priv1.edb, priv1.stm, pub1.edb, and pub1.stm...

i don't see how i should need to back up those physical files if i purchased the Exchange Agent.


Level 2
In exchange backups there are some files that you don't need to backup such as the *.edb and *.stm. Use wildcards to exclude them from your backup.

Level 2
so when backing up Exchange, all i need to do is select the mail boxes and the information store and i don't have to backup ANY physical files? - dan

Level 5
Hi ,

You do not need to select any physical files to backup exchange . Just select the IS and mailboxes and perform a backup.

Level 6
Yes, you should exclude the X:\program files\Exchsrvr\mdbdata directory during normal file level backups. This directory gets backed up using the Exchange agent. For further information, please refer the following technote:

Hope, we have answered your query. If your query remains unanswered, please get back to us.