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Fresh install - Nothing available in backup selections.

Level 2
This is a fresh install of Backup Exec 11d on an SBS2k3 server. It installs fine, reboots ok, and seems to start up ok. I try to make a new backup job via the Wizard, and just get the following
If I right click, I get the usual context menu. I can include files via that, and I get the usual grey line through the box next to All Resources, but I still don't see anything.
If I try "Manage User-Defined Selections" or "Manage Active Directory Domains", Backup Exec freezes for around 5 seconds, and then crashes to desktop without any error dialogs. In the Application Log in Event Viewer, I get the following:
Faulting application BkupExec.exe, version 11.0.6235.0, faulting module storex.ocx, version 11.0.6235.0, fault address 0x000b664a.

This exact error (including fault address) comes up when I try to use "Manage Active Directory Domains". For "Manage User-Defined Selections", I get this
Faulting application BkupExec.exe, version 11.0.6235.0, faulting module storex.ocx, version 11.0.6235.0, fault address 0x000b5af1.

Same file, but different address.
I've tried reinstalling, to no avail. Anyone have any ideas as to what is wrong?

Level 6
Hi William,

We have been seeing a couple of these lately, and they're not the easiest to figure out. Most of the ones that have been resolved have bee due to rights issues on the server whether it be due to file system rights, dcom rights, or registry rights. See the following technote for more information:

For now, let's try the following:
1. Let's try registering storex.ocx manually. Open up a command prompt, navigate to the windows\system32 folder and run Regsvr32 storex.ocx. Let me know what the output is.
2. Assuming it didn't register, let's continue on: uninstall Backup Exec from the system and reboot.
3. Log in to the system with the local administrator account to make sure no domain policies are affecting the install.
4. Open up regedit and make sure the following key is given full rights to the administrators group (and domain administrators if possible) as well as giving inheritable rights all the way through:
5. DCOM permissions: Run through the steps in the following technotes:
6. Try a new hard drive or different drive or different serve to install to see if we're talking about a domain issue or local to the specific file system or server.
7. Re-download the Backup Exec media and try again.

Please let me know if this helps to resolve your issue.


Level 2
Thanks Sandy,

I started working through your steps. The first step did originally fail, "LoadLibrary("storex.ocx") failed - The specified module could not be found", but when I navigated to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\ and ran Regsvr32 storex.ocx it ran fine ("DllRegisterServer in storex.ocx succeeded").
Anyway, I also checked the registry settings, and the local and domain administrators all have full permissions for that subkey, fully inherited. I was installing it as a domain administrator, for your information.
As to the DCOM permissions, Backup Exec is running as Administrator, so again the appropriate permissions are given.
I don't actually have a spare hard drive or server to install BackupExec at the moment, since this is a fairly small establishment, but I'll see if I can find something handy.
Anyway, the issue does still exist, nothing has changed.

Level 6
Hi William,

Thanks for the update. Most of the issues we are seeing are occurring on pvcalendar.ocx, so this is fairly new. At this point, I would recommend calling into Support so that the issue can be moved through the proper escalations channels and tracked in our database. I have a feeling we'll need to do a lot more thorough analysis with debugs on it. We're currently working to try and get a debug dll to figur out these issues as well, and the only way they could try that would be through calling in.

Thanks for your patience on this.

Not applicable
I am having the exact same issue with version 10d of backup exec.  Could someone please offer a soltuion as I am not able to configure backups for my customer without being able to access the gui.  This is critical.