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How the pushing of agents Works in Backupexec

Level 5

How the pushing  of agents  Works  in Backupexec 2010 .

What all  the permission required  to  push the agent

What is happening at the client side when the agent pushes

What are the complications when the agent installtion failed  during the installation

what is the difference between pushing to windows 2003 and windows 2008 servers


Level 4

What all  the permission required  to  push the agent?

Domain Admin or equivalent.  I set up a user I.D. BackexecAdmin and put it in the domain admins group.  That way it doesn't get confused with other i.d.s


What is happening at the client side when the agent pushes?

Nothing in particular.  The client side doesn't see anything on the screen and the client installs as a service.


What are the complications when the agent installtion failed  during the installation?

See the error log and start from there.  Most often, I just have to reboot the server and reinstall the client.


what is the difference between pushing to windows 2003 and windows 2008 servers?

None that I know of.

Level 6

It's been a while...  But main thing is that you have at least local server admin privledges, or domain level admin privledges.  

Then you need to have c$ active and enabled, or one of the other default $ shares in Windows..  This is where it's foggy on which specific one is needed.

From there, it's a file copy to the $ share, and a remote execute of the MSI file based on your credentials.

It should be no different from Win2k3 to Win2k8.