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How to schedule a job to check tape is in drive at 4pm and backup later

Not applicable
I would like to have a job scheduled that can generate a media insert request if the tape isn't in the drive by 4pm weekdays. This way the customer would be emailed automatically to insert their tape.

Alerts have been configured for "media insert request" and configured to sen to responsible persons email. I just need to trigger it should the tape not be in the tape drive by 4PM.

Could someone please explain how to do this? The normal backups run later in the evening and I don't want to touch those jobs if possible.

Level 5
You can run a backup job, a single file or whatever you want.
This job will trigger the alert if there is no media in tape.


Level 6
IF you do run a small job earlier, be sure to use a media set with a very short OPP (one or two hours) , so that the nightly job can overwrite the test job