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How to verify AVVI jobs that use SAN are actually using that transport?

Level 3

I'm using Backup Exec 12.5 / AVVI / VCB for VM backups. The media server is also the VCB proxy and is a physical server.

Two different SANs; one iSCSI and one FC. I have several jobs that backup VMs that reside on both SANs, and all the jobs are completing just fine. Proxy server has iSCSI (single 1Gb NIC) and FC (single 2Gb HBA) connectivity to both SANs. Again, no errors in the jobs... I just could not find any documentation on my question.

If the job is set to use the SAN transport in the AVVI settings, how can you confirm that it's actually going over that link? Would the job fail if the transport wasn't working properly, or would the job use an alternate transport if SAN didn't work properly?


Level 6
 On SAN based backups, the speed is very noticeable over NBD based backups.  NBD backups travel over the service console port, and will never exceed 40MB/sec, due to that port getting a low priority for resources.

2000MB/min or 200MB/min, it's pretty obvious.  iSCSI will be slower than FC.

You can always uncheck NBD and NBD SSL in the options.  But it will try each one inorder, thats why you can change the order in the job setup.

Level 3

Thanks for the quick feedback!

I don't like how it includes the time for the export of the snapshot in the Job Rate calculation. The Job Rate is blank for the 10-30 minutes or so while the export of the snapshot is happening, then the Job Rate gradually climbs when the proxy mounts the snapshot and starts doing it's thing. I don't suppose there's any way around that?

Another question... when doing a SQL Agent backup on a VM (or Exchange, or SharePoint), does the Proxy use the SAN transport? I'm guessing yes, because I'm currently testing a SQL backup and it's running at ~1600 MB/min.

Level 6
 SQL Agent in BE12.5 is using the LAN to do backups.

In BE2010, I believe it will be able to backup the VMDK, and index all of the application data (via the client agent) so when you restore, you can do the entire VM, fils/folders or Application Data like SQL, Exchange, or AD.