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Hp DAT 160 Usb with Veritas 10d don't end the task by itself

Level 3

I have bought two Hp DAT 160 Usb for two diferent clients.

In both cases the have Backup Exec 10d.

When a task ends, normally if you have check "tape expulsion" (sorry i have spanish version i don't know the exacly translation), the tape come out and the task finish by itself, and Backup Exec is ready for a new backup.

Well, with this DAT when the tasks end don't end the task, and ask you to eliminate de tape. When you manually accepts this alerts, Backup Exec finish the task.

I'd tried with the drivers of 2005, and the latests drivers from HP of 2007.

What can I do?

Thanks a lot.

Level 6
You have two options
1)  Remove the "Eject on End" option from the job description
2)  See the Admin Guide page 751 to automate the "OK" response

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 02-27-2008 09:28 AM