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I try to do a backup on a remote server and it fails.

Level 3

After getting the Remote Agent recognized I tried to run a backup twice of the remote server.  I only need to back up specific data.  However it fails with after 31 seconds the first time and 43 seconds the second time.  It generated an error code of E000FE30.  Does anyone have any recommendations.  I am off to find this error code definition.  Thanks in advance.  Have a great day.


Level 6

E000FE30 : communication failure

Is the be remote agent service running on remote server and media server?

Try rebooting that server, what exacty are you backing up from there

Level 6
Partner Accredited



Employee Accredited Certified

Post more details like the version of Backup Exec, what resource you are trying to backup.

Refer to the below link to troubleshoot the above error

Level 3

I am using backup exec 2010 r2 on Windows Server 2008 and have installed the remote agent on another server running Windows Server 2008 Storage Server.  I have configured  a backup location on the remote server (another disk on the server that server that has the "Remote Agent" installed.  It is an HP 24TB storage device.  I am attempting to backup data files (and all were closed) and (VSS is started).  The remote agent service reports a communication failure (E000FE30).  Port 10000 and the other port is not blocked on either firewall in either direction.  I am still trying to muddle through the 2000+ pages of Administrator Guide for a clue.  Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated.  Have a great day all.

Level 6

1. Ensure remote agent runs under LSA

2. From Tools -> Options -> netwrok and security

Enable remote agent TCP Dynamic Port Range

3. Check if the remote agent Crashes when backup starts

4. run debug if the issue persist after following the above steps

On the remote server:

\Program files\Symantec\backup exec\Raws\sgmon.exe

Select Remote agent (the first check box)

Select capture to file

Run the backup Job

Let me know how it goes

Employee Accredited Certified

If firewalls aare involved then Port 10,000 plus a configurable range of data Ports are needed to be open - as you seem to state "other port" in the singular have you actually

a) Configured a range for the NDMP Data Port on the Backup Exec media server (it does have to be a range of at least 20 ports) Setting is BE console is called "Enable remote TCP dynamic port range" and is located in the Network and Security options

b) Allowed this complete range through the firewall

Level 3

   You stated from Tools-> Options->Network and Security.  From what GUI,  Where am I supposed to direct the agent to run in the LSA.  Please, complete instructions are appreciated.  I have had enough guessology with BE. 

Level 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 14:16:13] [7820]     [nrds]               - Could not create a BETCPConnection object from address: error=An error occurred during a socket connect operation: Error Code: 10061, System Error Message: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 14:16:13] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: connect to target= port=6101 failed
BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 14:16:13] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Retrying in 60 seconds 


The above is what I received after 31 seconds of launching the new backup.  I have created an inbound and outbound rule for TCP port 6101.

Level 3


*****                    SGMon log for \\\\RemoteServer                    *****

*****                    Local Offset =05:00                                  *****


BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:12] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Security is enabled!!!

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:12] [7820]     "Cluster" key does not appear to be present in the registry

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:12] [7820]     Failed to open Microsoft cluster ()

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:12] [7820]     VCS cluster keys do not appear to be present in the registry

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:12] [7820]     Failed to open VCS cluster ()

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:12] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - GetCertificateDataFolderPath: Not Clustered.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:12] [7820]     [nrds]               - ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=, service=6101

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:13] [7820]     [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::LoopThroughListAndConnect: Could not connect to remote address "" Error:10061.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:13] [7820]     [BESocket]           - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1992(0x7c8)               retval = 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:13] [7820]     [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectionFromHostAndPort: Remote Host: "": There were no addresses returned, belonging to family: IPv6

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:13] [7820]     [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectionFromHostAndPort: Could not create a connection to "" because attempts with both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols failed

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:13] [7820]     [nrds]               - Could not create a BETCPConnection object from address: error=An error occurred during a socket connect operation: Error Code: 10061, System Error Message: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:13] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: connect to target= port=6101 failed

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:13] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Retrying in 60 seconds

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [7896]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - ndmpRun: Control connection accepted : connection established between end-points [FE80::21DE:F180:4821:2D50%15]:10000 and [FE80::ECF7:90A5:4B70:BA8C%15]:58976

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - sslOpen() : Opening SSL for: 00000000E2918DDF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - sslOpen(): certinfo = 00000000E28CC90F ; sslConn = 00000000DF971DFF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - GetCertificateDataFolderPath: Not checking for cluster.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     - SSL connection using version TLSv1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     - SSL connection using cipher AES256-SHA

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [0000]     BECryptoInit: BECrypto non-FIPS mode successfully enabled.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - Username for Logon: Domain\Admin

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     - BELogonUser: beclass::IsThisMe() returned error: 87

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     - LogonType set = [LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH][0x4]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     - LogonUser(LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH-0x4) success

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     - Successfully impersonated Domain\Admin

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     - WhoAmI( ) reports: Domain\Admin

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - LogonuserError: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [ndmp\dsss]          - DS_OpenSelectionService

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Finding MNET entries using PunchDownWithWNetCalls()

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:FindDrives

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\oracle]        - RMAN_FindDrives - Oracle RMAN Agent not authorized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shadow]        - Device Shadow?Copy?Components Dle platform 2  major version 6  minor version 1  build 7600

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - No utility partitions found on any of the disks

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ra]            - NRDS_RA_FindDrives entered

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ra]            - NRDS_RA_FindDrives completed immediately because we aren't browsing locally

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\protsrvs\cps]  - Informational: Cps root device creation using default Cps library mechanism when creating device 'Cont?Prot?Srv' in CPS::DetermineRootCpsComponent:692

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\protsrvs\cps]  - Informational: Cps library not available.  Not creating Cps root device 'Cont?Prot?Srv' in CPS::DetermineRootCpsComponent:696

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\db2]           - Function called: DB2_FindDrives

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\db2]           - DB2_FindDrives - DB2 Agent not autherized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:DeviceName "System?State" in SystemState::CreateDLEs:373

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Full Device Path "System?State" in SystemState::CreateDLEs:378

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:ADRO Agent is authorized for System?State.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Found 0 instances of Active Directory Applcation Mode in SystemState::GetADAMInstanceCount:1415

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_FindDrives: Function called

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_FindDrives - EV Agent not authorized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\sql2]          - SQL2_FindDrives - the default SQL Service is not running on REMOTESERVER.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ese]           - [FSYS:ESE07]   FindDrives ... This is not an Exchange Server (0)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - Input Error (       0) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_ResolveDevName: [\\RemoteServer]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\mb2]           - MB2-Resolve returned 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::ResolveDeviceName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - Input Error (e000fe23) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Invalid device name (\\RemoteServer). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Not valid device name : \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: entered -->\\RemoteServer<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - ******************************************************************************

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Initial DLE Tree

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->C:<-- address 0x000003E97820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->S:<-- address 0x000003E97610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->U:<-- address 0x000003E96FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->X:<-- address 0x000003E96DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Y:<-- address 0x000003E97400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Z:<-- address 0x000003E971F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Terminal Services<-- address 0x000003FC9BF0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Windows Network<-- address 0x000003FC9DA0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->NFS Network<-- address 0x000003FC9F50 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003F2C660 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->System?State<-- address 0x000003E9BD50 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - End of List

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_ResolveDevName: [\\RemoteServer]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\mb2]           - MB2-Resolve returned 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::ResolveDeviceName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - Input Error (e000fe23) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Invalid device name (\\RemoteServer). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Not valid device name : \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: FS_ResolveDevName returns -->RemoteServer<-- as the machineName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: processing as local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: failed to find machine DLE in DLE tree, attempting DLE create

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_CreateTempDLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   11 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   12 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::CreateTempDLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::CreateTempDLE Exiting[-536805853]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   13 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\oracle]        - RMAN_CreateTempDLE: Function called

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   14 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   16 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   17 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   18 = 0x00000001

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ese]           - CreateTempDLE: \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   19 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   20 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   21 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ohfs]          - OFF_HOST_FS::OpenOHMetadataFile( :( error Opening the file (C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\Data\)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ohfs]          - OFF_HOST_FS::GetDLEDetailsFromMDSrc() Status E_FS_OFF_HOST_DATA_CREATE_ERROR (E0000301) Opening the metadata source

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ohfs]          - OFF_HOST_FS::CreateTempDLE( ) Status E_FS_OFF_HOST_DATA_CREATE_ERROR (E0000301) creating Dle when creating temp Dle for device \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   23 = 0xE0000301

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   26 = 0x00000001

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\db2]           - ====>DB2_CreateTempDLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   28 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   30 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   31 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ese]           - CreateTempDLE: \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   35 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   36 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   37 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   38 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\vmvcb]         - VM_VCBPROXY_FS::CreateTempDLE( ) Status DRIVE_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR (E000FE23) creating Dle when creating temp Dle for device \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   39 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   42 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   45 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   46 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   47 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ese]           - CreateTempDLE: \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -   48 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -    5 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - no NRDS cache-hit for RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Informational: Restrict Anonymous Support is enabled

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - creating DLE for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     Failed to open Microsoft cluster (RemoteServer)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -    7 = 0x00000000

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: trying to attach to newly created DLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - NTFS_SurrgateCalling: converted RemoteServer to REMOTESERVER

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Error 11001 opening cluster on REMOTESERVER

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Error 0 on NetShareEnum of \\REMOTESERVER, level 1, entries 14, total 14

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze excluded share -->ADMIN$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Archives<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Archives<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Backup of Users Data (U)<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Backup of Users Data (U)<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->C$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\C$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Publications<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Publications<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->S$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\S$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Submissions<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Submissions<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->SymantecBE<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\SymantecBE<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->U$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\U$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Users<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Users<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->X$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\X$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->Y$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Y$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->Z$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Z$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - NTFS_SurrogateCalling: RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Error opening cluster on RemoteServer: No such host is known.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Enumerating local drives

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Creating DLEs:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\C:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\S:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\U:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\X:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\Y:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\Z:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::SurrogateCalling

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\oracle]        - RMAN_SurrogateCalling - Oracle RMAN Agent not authorized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shadow]        - Device Shadow?Copy?Components Dle platform 2  major version 6  minor version 1  build 7600

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\upfs]          - No utility partitions found on any of the disks

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\protsrvs\cps]  - Informational: Cps root device creation using default Cps library mechanism when creating device 'Cont?Prot?Srv' in CPS::DetermineRootCpsComponent:692

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\protsrvs\cps]  - Informational: Cps library not available.  Not creating Cps root device 'Cont?Prot?Srv' in CPS::DetermineRootCpsComponent:696

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\db2]           - Function called: DB2_SurrogateCalling

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\db2]           - DB2_SurrogateCalling - DB2 Agent not autherized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:DeviceName "\\RemoteServer\System?State" in SystemState::CreateDLEs:373

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Full Device Path "System?State" in SystemState::CreateDLEs:378

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:ADRO Agent is authorized for System?State.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Found 0 instances of Active Directory Applcation Mode in SystemState::GetADAMInstanceCount:1415

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\sql2]          - SQL2_CreateTempDLE - server name converted to \\REMOTESERVER.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\sql2]          - SQL2_SurrogateCalling - the default SQL Service is not running on REMOTESERVER.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ese]           - [FSYS:ESE07]   ESE_SurrogateCalling ... Error: got invalid version (0)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ese]           - [FSYS:ESE07]   ESE_SurrogateCalling ... Error: got invalid version (0)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\ese]           - [FSYS:ESE07]   ESE_SurrogateCalling ... Error: got invalid version (0)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [beutil]             - Input Error (       0) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Attach to \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: attached successfully

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: found -->\\RemoteServer<-- in DLE tree

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: detaching from newly created DLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Detach from \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - ******************************************************************************

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Modified DLE Tree

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->C:<-- address 0x000003E97820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->S:<-- address 0x000003E97610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->U:<-- address 0x000003E96FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->X:<-- address 0x000003E96DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Y:<-- address 0x000003E97400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Z:<-- address 0x000003E971F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Terminal Services<-- address 0x000003FC9BF0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Windows Network<-- address 0x000003FC9DA0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->NFS Network<-- address 0x000003FC9F50 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003F2C660 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->System?State<-- address 0x000003E9BD50 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->\\RemoteServer<-- address 0x000003FCA100 type 7 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C002 0x00004200 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Archives<-- address 0x000003E96BC0 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Backup of Users Data (U)<-- address 0x000003E969B0 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\C$<-- address 0x000003E967A0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Publications<-- address 0x000003E97A30 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\S$<-- address 0x000003E97C40 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Submissions<-- address 0x000003E97E50 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\SymantecBE<-- address 0x000003E98060 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\U$<-- address 0x000003E98270 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Users<-- address 0x000003E98480 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\X$<-- address 0x000003E987A0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Y$<-- address 0x000003E989B0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Z$<-- address 0x000003E98BC0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\C:<-- address 0x000003E98DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\S:<-- address 0x000003E98FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\U:<-- address 0x000003E991F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\X:<-- address 0x000003E99400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Y:<-- address 0x000003E99610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Z:<-- address 0x000003E99820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003FCCD40 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\System?State<-- address 0x000003FD5DE0 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00020000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - End of List

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: returning 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:22] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Attach to \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_ResolveDevName: [\\RemoteServer\Users]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\mb2]           - MB2-Resolve returned 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::ResolveDeviceName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - Input Error (e000fe23) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Invalid device name (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Not valid device name : \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: entered -->\\RemoteServer\Users<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - ******************************************************************************

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Initial DLE Tree

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->C:<-- address 0x000003E97820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->S:<-- address 0x000003E97610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->U:<-- address 0x000003E96FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->X:<-- address 0x000003E96DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Y:<-- address 0x000003E97400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Z:<-- address 0x000003E971F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Terminal Services<-- address 0x000003FC9BF0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Windows Network<-- address 0x000003FC9DA0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->NFS Network<-- address 0x000003FC9F50 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003F2C660 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->System?State<-- address 0x000003E9BD50 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->\\RemoteServer<-- address 0x000003FCA100 type 7 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C002 0x00004200 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Archives<-- address 0x000003E96BC0 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Backup of Users Data (U)<-- address 0x000003E969B0 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\C$<-- address 0x000003E967A0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Publications<-- address 0x000003E97A30 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\S$<-- address 0x000003E97C40 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Submissions<-- address 0x000003E97E50 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\SymantecBE<-- address 0x000003E98060 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\U$<-- address 0x000003E98270 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Users<-- address 0x000003E98480 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\X$<-- address 0x000003E987A0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Y$<-- address 0x000003E989B0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Z$<-- address 0x000003E98BC0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\C:<-- address 0x000003E98DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\S:<-- address 0x000003E98FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\U:<-- address 0x000003E991F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\X:<-- address 0x000003E99400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Y:<-- address 0x000003E99610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Z:<-- address 0x000003E99820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003FCCD40 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\System?State<-- address 0x000003FD5DE0 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00020000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - End of List

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_ResolveDevName: [\\RemoteServer\Users]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\mb2]           - MB2-Resolve returned 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::ResolveDeviceName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - Input Error (e000fe23) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Invalid device name (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Not valid device name : \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: FS_ResolveDevName returns -->RemoteServer<-- as the machineName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: processing as local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: returning 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Entering SetupLocalShareInfo

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Informational: Not enumerating DFS

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:27] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Attach to \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_ResolveDevName: [\\RemoteServer\Users]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\mb2]           - MB2-Resolve returned 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::ResolveDeviceName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - Input Error (e000fe23) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Invalid device name (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Not valid device name : \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: entered -->\\RemoteServer\Users<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - ******************************************************************************

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Initial DLE Tree

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->C:<-- address 0x000003E97820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->S:<-- address 0x000003E97610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->U:<-- address 0x000003E96FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->X:<-- address 0x000003E96DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Y:<-- address 0x000003E97400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Z:<-- address 0x000003E971F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Terminal Services<-- address 0x000003FC9BF0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Windows Network<-- address 0x000003FC9DA0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->NFS Network<-- address 0x000003FC9F50 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003F2C660 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->System?State<-- address 0x000003E9BD50 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - -->\\RemoteServer<-- address 0x000003FCA100 type 7 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C002 0x00004200 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Archives<-- address 0x000003E96BC0 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Backup of Users Data (U)<-- address 0x000003E969B0 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\C$<-- address 0x000003E967A0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Publications<-- address 0x000003E97A30 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\S$<-- address 0x000003E97C40 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Submissions<-- address 0x000003E97E50 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\SymantecBE<-- address 0x000003E98060 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\U$<-- address 0x000003E98270 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Users<-- address 0x000003E98480 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0B11D4F9 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\X$<-- address 0x000003E987A0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Y$<-- address 0x000003E989B0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Z$<-- address 0x000003E98BC0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\C:<-- address 0x000003E98DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\S:<-- address 0x000003E98FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\U:<-- address 0x000003E991F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\X:<-- address 0x000003E99400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Y:<-- address 0x000003E99610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Z:<-- address 0x000003E99820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003FCCD40 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\System?State<-- address 0x000003FD5DE0 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00020000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - End of List

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_ResolveDevName: [\\RemoteServer\Users]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\mb2]           - MB2-Resolve returned 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::ResolveDeviceName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - Input Error (e000fe23) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Invalid device name (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Not valid device name : \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: FS_ResolveDevName returns -->RemoteServer<-- as the machineName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: processing as local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:53:32] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: returning 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:13] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Security is enabled!!!

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:13] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - GetCertificateDataFolderPath: Not Clustered.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:13] [7820]     [nrds]               - ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=, service=6101

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:14] [7820]     [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::LoopThroughListAndConnect: Could not connect to remote address "" Error:10061.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:14] [7820]     [BESocket]           - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 2096(0x830)              retval = 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:14] [7820]     [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectionFromHostAndPort: Remote Host: "": There were no addresses returned, belonging to family: IPv6

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:14] [7820]     [BESocket]           - BETCPConnection::CreateConnectionFromHostAndPort: Could not create a connection to "" because attempts with both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols failed

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:14] [7820]     [nrds]               - Could not create a BETCPConnection object from address: error=An error occurred during a socket connect operation: Error Code: 10061, System Error Message: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:14] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: connect to target= port=6101 failed

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:14] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: failed to send to even after 10 attempts

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:14] [7820]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: negative (purge) advertisement cycle complete.  Waiting 10 minutes before advertising again.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: advertisement cycle started.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Informational: Restrict Anonymous Support is enabled

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - creating DLE for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     "Cluster" key does not appear to be present in the registry

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     Failed to open Microsoft cluster ()

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     VCS cluster keys do not appear to be present in the registry

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     Failed to open VCS cluster ()

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - EnumClusterDLEs: Could not opening cluster : The system could not find the environment option that was entered.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 7 returned 0(0x0) and 1 DLEs

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ese]           - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: REMOTESERVER

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ese]           - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer REMOTESERVER: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ese]           - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: REMOTESERVER

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ese]           - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer REMOTESERVER: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ese]           - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer: REMOTESERVER

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\ese]           - AreYouSureThisIsAnExchangeServer REMOTESERVER: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Nrds Message Len : 6720.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [fsys\oracle]        - RMAN_EnumSelfDLE: AgentConfig GetOracleDBNames returned error. If Oracle Agent is installed, please run AgentConfig.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 14 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 37 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 39 returned 0(0x0) and 0 DLEs

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 42 returned -536805816(0xE000FE48) and 0 DLEs

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Security is enabled!!!

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - GetCertificateDataFolderPath: Not checking for cluster.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [nrds]               - ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=, service=6101

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     - SSL connection using version TLSv1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     - SSL connection using cipher AES256-SHA

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [nrds]               - CreateConnection type=0 on socket 1228 via BESocket OK

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: send of RemoteServer type 7 subtype 2 to target= port=6101 succeeded

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [BESocket]           - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1228(0x4cc)retval = 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:54:53] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: advertisement cycle complete.  Waiting 10 minutes before advertising again.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - sslClose() : Closing SSL for: 00000000E2918DDF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     - SSL Shutdown clean

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [BESocket]           - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1992(0x7c8)               retval = 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [ndmp\tpfmt]         - FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [ndmp\tpfmt]         - FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - sslClose() : Closing SSL for: 00000000E2918DDF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      -  sslClose() : certinfo = 0  ; sslConn = 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [dsss\srv]           - DS_CloseSelectionService

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Detach from \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:25] [2976]     [fsys\shared]        - Detach from \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [7896]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - ndmpRun: Control connection accepted : connection established between end-points [FE80::21DE:F180:4821:2D50%15]:10000 and [FE80::ECF7:90A5:4B70:BA8C%15]:58987

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - sslOpen() : Opening SSL for: 00000000E2918DDF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - sslOpen(): certinfo = 00000000E28CC48F ; sslConn = 00000000DF971DFF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - GetCertificateDataFolderPath: Not checking for cluster.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - SSL connection using version TLSv1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - SSL connection using cipher AES256-SHA

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [0000]     BECryptoInit: BECrypto non-FIPS mode successfully enabled.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - Username for Logon: Domain\Admin

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - BELogonUser: beclass::IsThisMe() returned error: 87

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - LogonType set = [LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH][0x4]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - LogonUser(LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH-0x4) success

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - Successfully impersonated Domain\Admin

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - WhoAmI( ) reports: Domain\Admin

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - LogonuserError: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Finding MNET entries using PunchDownWithWNetCalls()

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:FindDrives

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\oracle]        - RMAN_FindDrives - Oracle RMAN Agent not authorized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shadow]        - Device Shadow?Copy?Components Dle platform 2  major version 6  minor version 1  build 7600

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - No utility partitions found on any of the disks

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ra]            - NRDS_RA_FindDrives entered

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ra]            - NRDS_RA_FindDrives completed immediately because we aren't browsing

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\protsrvs\cps]  - Informational: Cps root device creation using default Cps library mechanism when creating device 'Cont?Prot?Srv' in CPS::DetermineRootCpsComponent:692

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\protsrvs\cps]  - Informational: Cps library not available.  Not creating Cps root device 'Cont?Prot?Srv' in CPS::DetermineRootCpsComponent:696

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\db2]           - Function called: DB2_FindDrives

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\db2]           - DB2_FindDrives - DB2 Agent not autherized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:DeviceName "System?State" in SystemState::CreateDLEs:373

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Full Device Path "System?State" in SystemState::CreateDLEs:378

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:ADRO Agent is NOT authorized for System?State.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Found 0 instances of Active Directory Applcation Mode in SystemState::GetADAMInstanceCount:1415

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_FindDrives: Function called

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_FindDrives - EV Agent not authorized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\sql2]          - SQL2_FindDrives - the default SQL Service is not running on REMOTESERVER.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ese]           - [FSYS:ESE07]   FindDrives ... This is not an Exchange Server (0)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [beutil]             - Input Error (       0) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: entered -->\\RemoteServer\Users<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - ******************************************************************************

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - Initial DLE Tree

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->C:<-- address 0x000003E99820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->S:<-- address 0x000003E99610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->U:<-- address 0x000003E98FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->X:<-- address 0x000003E98DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Y:<-- address 0x000003E99400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Z:<-- address 0x000003E991F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Terminal Services<-- address 0x000003FCA100 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Windows Network<-- address 0x000003FC9F50 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->NFS Network<-- address 0x000003FC9DA0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003F2C660 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->System?State<-- address 0x000003E9BD50 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - End of List

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_ResolveDevName: [\\RemoteServer\Users]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\mb2]           - MB2-Resolve returned 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::ResolveDeviceName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [beutil]             - GoodEvName(): Invalid EV device (\\RemoteServer\Users).

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [beutil]             - Input Error (e000fe23) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [beutil]             - ApplyRegExp(): Invalid input (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Invalid device name (\\RemoteServer\Users). Parsing Failed.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ev]            - EVM_ResolveDeviceName: Function Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Not valid device name : \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: FS_ResolveDevName returns -->RemoteServer<-- as the machineName

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: processing as local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: failed to find machine DLE in DLE tree, attempting DLE create

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_CreateTempDLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   11 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   12 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::CreateTempDLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::CreateTempDLE Exiting[-536805853]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   13 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\oracle]        - RMAN_CreateTempDLE: Function called

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   14 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   16 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   17 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   18 = 0x00000001

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ese]           - CreateTempDLE: \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   19 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   20 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   21 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ohfs]          - OFF_HOST_FS::OpenOHMetadataFile( :( error Opening the file (C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\Data\)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ohfs]          - OFF_HOST_FS::GetDLEDetailsFromMDSrc() Status E_FS_OFF_HOST_DATA_CREATE_ERROR (E0000301) Opening the metadata source

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ohfs]          - OFF_HOST_FS::CreateTempDLE( ) Status E_FS_OFF_HOST_DATA_CREATE_ERROR (E0000301) creating Dle when creating temp Dle for device \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   23 = 0xE0000301

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   26 = 0x00000001

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\db2]           - ====>DB2_CreateTempDLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   28 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   30 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   31 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ese]           - CreateTempDLE: \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   35 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   36 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   37 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   38 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\vmvcb]         - VM_VCBPROXY_FS::CreateTempDLE( ) Status DRIVE_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR (E000FE23) creating Dle when creating temp Dle for device \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   39 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   42 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   45 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   46 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   47 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ese]           - CreateTempDLE: \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -   48 = 0xE00084AF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -    5 = 0xE000FE23

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - no NRDS cache-hit for RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Informational: Restrict Anonymous Support is enabled

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - creating DLE for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     Failed to open Microsoft cluster (RemoteServer)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -    7 = 0x00000000

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: trying to attach to newly created DLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - NTFS_SurrgateCalling: converted RemoteServer to REMOTESERVER

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Error 11001 opening cluster on REMOTESERVER

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - Error 0 on NetShareEnum of \\REMOTESERVER, level 1, entries 14, total 14

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze excluded share -->ADMIN$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Archives<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Archives<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Backup of Users Data (U)<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Backup of Users Data (U)<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->C$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\C$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Publications<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Publications<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->S$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\S$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Submissions<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Submissions<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->SymantecBE<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\SymantecBE<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->U$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\U$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze user share -->Users<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Users<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->X$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\X$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->Y$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Y$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - analyze admin / default share -->Z$<--

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs\mnet]     - adding share -->\\RemoteServer\Z$<-- to the DLE list

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - NTFS_SurrogateCalling: RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Error opening cluster on RemoteServer: No such host is known.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Enumerating local drives

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Creating DLEs:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\C:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\S:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\U:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\X:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\Y:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          -     \\RemoteServer\Z:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Enter

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [engidrapi]          - GetVirtualHardDisksNumbers() - Exit

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\notes2]        - Notes Agent:CLNFileSystem::SurrogateCalling

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\oracle]        - RMAN_SurrogateCalling - Oracle RMAN Agent not authorized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - GetServerType for local machine

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shadow]        - Device Shadow?Copy?Components Dle platform 2  major version 6  minor version 1  build 7600

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - DeviceIOControl() Failed with error: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\upfs]          - No utility partitions found on any of the disks

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\protsrvs\cps]  - Informational: Cps root device creation using default Cps library mechanism when creating device 'Cont?Prot?Srv' in CPS::DetermineRootCpsComponent:692

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\protsrvs\cps]  - Informational: Cps library not available.  Not creating Cps root device 'Cont?Prot?Srv' in CPS::DetermineRootCpsComponent:696

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\db2]           - Function called: DB2_SurrogateCalling

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\db2]           - DB2_SurrogateCalling - DB2 Agent not autherized.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:DeviceName "\\RemoteServer\System?State" in SystemState::CreateDLEs:373

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Full Device Path "System?State" in SystemState::CreateDLEs:378

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:ADRO Agent is NOT authorized for System?State.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\systemstate]   -   AD:Found 0 instances of Active Directory Applcation Mode in SystemState::GetADAMInstanceCount:1415

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\sql2]          - SQL2_CreateTempDLE - server name converted to \\REMOTESERVER.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\sql2]          - SQL2_SurrogateCalling - the default SQL Service is not running on REMOTESERVER.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ese]           - [FSYS:ESE07]   ESE_SurrogateCalling ... Error: got invalid version (0)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ese]           - [FSYS:ESE07]   ESE_SurrogateCalling ... Error: got invalid version (0)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\ese]           - [FSYS:ESE07]   ESE_SurrogateCalling ... Error: got invalid version (0)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [beutil]             - Input Error (       0) for Type: (43)

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - Attach to \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: attached successfully

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: found -->\\RemoteServer\Users<-- in DLE tree

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: detaching from newly created DLE

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - Detach from \\RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - ******************************************************************************

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - Modified DLE Tree

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->C:<-- address 0x000003E99820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->S:<-- address 0x000003E99610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->U:<-- address 0x000003E98FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->X:<-- address 0x000003E98DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Y:<-- address 0x000003E99400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Z:<-- address 0x000003E991F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Terminal Services<-- address 0x000003FCA100 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Microsoft Windows Network<-- address 0x000003FC9F50 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->NFS Network<-- address 0x000003FC9DA0 type 7 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000082 0x00000000 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003F2C660 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->System?State<-- address 0x000003E9BD50 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00000000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - -->\\RemoteServer<-- address 0x000003FC9BF0 type 7 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C002 0x00004200 dataId 0 bedsId 0 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Archives<-- address 0x000003E98BC0 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Backup of Users Data (U)<-- address 0x000003E989B0 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\C$<-- address 0x000003E987A0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Publications<-- address 0x000003E99A30 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\S$<-- address 0x000003E99C40 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Submissions<-- address 0x000003E99E50 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\SymantecBE<-- address 0x000003E9A060 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\U$<-- address 0x000003E9A270 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Users<-- address 0x000003E9A480 type 5 subtype 1 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\X$<-- address 0x000003E967A0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Y$<-- address 0x000003E969B0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Z$<-- address 0x000003E96BC0 type 5 subtype 2 feature bits 0x0010C0B1 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\C:<-- address 0x000003E96DD0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\S:<-- address 0x000003E96FE0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\U:<-- address 0x000003E971F0 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\X:<-- address 0x000003E97400 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Y:<-- address 0x000003E97610 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Z:<-- address 0x000003E97820 type 5 subtype 0 feature bits 0x0B111579 0x00000000 dataId 14 bedsId 14 bedsVer 3

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\Shadow?Copy?Components<-- address 0x000003E3EAC0 type 18 subtype 0 feature bits 0x03020109 0x00000000 dataId 47 bedsId 47 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        -     -->\\RemoteServer\System?State<-- address 0x000003DFB9E0 type 30 subtype 0 feature bits 0x00020000 0x00000000 dataId 59 bedsId 59 bedsVer 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - End of List

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - FS_BlowOutMachine: returning 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - ndmpdSnapshotPrepare2: Calling DLE_FindByName for device: \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - dir  =

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - file = *.*

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - oper = Include

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - subs = True

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - wild = True

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - dir  = server01

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - file = *.*

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - oper = Exclude

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - subs = True

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - wild = True

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - Attempting VSS Provider

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - Snapshot factory, using VSS as the snapshot provider.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               - OS Version: 6.1.7600 (No Service Pack Installed). Suite: 0x110, ProductType: 0x3, SP: 0.0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::Initialize() - Using backup type VSS_BT_FULL

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::Initialize() - calling IVssBackupComponents::InitializeForBackup

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::Initialize() - calling IVssBackupComponents::SetBackupState with backup type 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::Initialize() - calling IVssBackupComponents::SetContext with context: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               - -------Begin Provider property dump------

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               - Using fresh IVssBackupComponents for provider gather

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               - ==> VSS Provider properties:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               -           Provider Name       = Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               -           Provider ID         = {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               -           Provider Type       = System

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               -           Provider Version    =

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               -           Provider Version ID = {00000001-0000-0000-0007-000000000001}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               -           Component Class ID  = {65ee1dba-8ff4-4a58-ac1c-3470ee2f376a}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               - -------End of Provider property dump------

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               - Provider GUID = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::Initialize() - calling StartSnapshotSet()

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     [besc]               - VSS snapstarted. SnapshotSetID = {bb139451-1835-47ae-99cd-6c3013529a42}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::GetWriterMetaData() - calling IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterMetadata.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:27] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::GetWriterMetaData() - waiting for IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterMetadata to complete.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::GetWriterMetaData() - IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterMetadata complete.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - Initialized VSS Snapshot Provider

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Entering SetupLocalShareInfo

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [fsys\ntfs]          - Informational: Not enumerating DFS

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - Attach to \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - SnapshotBackupEngine::scan_file_system() : Volume List size (before prune): 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - SnapshotBackupEngine::scan_file_system(): Volume List size (after prune): 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - Adding volume: 'U:\USERS'

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [besc]               - VssSnapshotVolume::AddVolumeToSnapSet

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [besc]               -   Device name: [\\RemoteServer\Users], Volume name: [U:\USERS]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [besc]               -   Set bsdMachineName_: [RemoteServer]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [besc]               - Exit VssSnapshotVolume::AddVolumeToSnapSet - successfully

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - SnapshotBackupEngine::snap_file_systems. Start...

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [besc]               - MakeValidVolumeName:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     [besc]               -            volume=[\\?\Volume{c05aefe8-6f28-4923-a692-da2d4330325d}] and vol_name=[\\?\Volume{c05aefe8-6f28-4923-a692-da2d4330325d}\]

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - VssSnashotVolume::PrepareToSnapVolumeSet() - done. LastError_: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - VssSnashotVolume::SnapVolumeSet() - calling DoSnapshotSet.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:29] [3688]     - VssSnashotVolume::SnapVolumeSet() - waiting for snap to complete...

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     - VssSnashotVolume::SnapVolumeSet() - snap complete with hr1: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Entering VssSnapshotVolume::RegisterWithOrphanage(). SnapshotSetID_ = {bb139451-1835-47ae-99cd-6c3013529a42}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     - VssSnashotVolume::SnapVolumeSet() - done. LastError_: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::GetSnapSetProperties() - for BE only

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               - -------Begin snapshot property dump------

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               - ==> VSS snapshot properties:

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Snapshot Count            = 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Snapshot SetId            = {bb139451-1835-47ae-99cd-6c3013529a42}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Snapshot Id               = {b8e1390b-c867-4cb1-8bb7-964f9fcb88f7}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Provider Id               = {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Provider Name             = Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Creation Timestamp        = 12/29/2011 5:55:31 PM

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Original Volume Name      = \\?\Volume{c05aefe8-6f28-4923-a692-da2d4330325d}\

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Originating Machine       = RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Service Machine           = RemoteServer

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Exposed Name              = NULL

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Exposed Path              = NULL

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Status                    = VSS_SS_CREATED

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Snapshot DeviceObject     = \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy8

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -           Snapshot Attributes       = 0x420000

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               -                                        VSS_VOLSNAP_ATTR_DIFFERENTIAL                  VSS_VOLSNAP_ATTR_AUTORECOVER

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [besc]               - -------End of snapshot property dump------

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     - VssSnashotVolume::GetSnapshotProperties() - done. LastError_: 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     - SnapshotBackupEngine::snap_file_systems. End. Status: 1

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - ndmpdSnapshotPrepare2: sending reply...

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [fsys\shared]        - Detach from \\RemoteServer\Users

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:33] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - ndmpdSnapshotPrepare2: cleanup: all done

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:54] [3688]     [BESocket]           - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 1704(0x6a8)              retval = 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:54] [3688]     [ndmp\tpfmt]         - FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:54] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - ERROR: ndmpdDataAbort: invalid state to process abort request.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:54] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - ERROR: ndmpdDataStop: invalid state to process stop request.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:56] [3688]     [besc]               - VSS BackupComplete called with success.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:56] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::GetFailedWriterStatus() - waiting for IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterMetadata to complete.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:56] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::GetFailedWriterStatus() - IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterStatus complete.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:56] [3688]     - VssSnapshotVolume::GetFailedWriterStatus() - Issuing Async QueryStatus check.

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:56] [3688]     [besc]               - Attempting to delete VSS snapshot set: {bb139451-1835-47ae-99cd-6c3013529a42}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:56] [3688]     [besc]               - VSS snapshot set deleted. Snapshot SetID = {bb139451-1835-47ae-99cd-6c3013529a42}

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:56] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - sslClose() : Closing SSL for: 00000000E2918DDF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:57] [3688]     - SSL Shutdown clean

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:57] [3688]     [BESocket]           - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 2344(0x928)              retval = 0

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:57] [3688]     [ndmp\tpfmt]         - FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:57] [3688]     [ndmp\tpfmt]         - FreeFormatEnv( cur_fmt=0 )

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:57] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - sslClose() : Closing SSL for: 00000000E2918DDF

BEREMOTE: [12/29/11 17:55:57] [3688]     [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      -  sslClose() : certinfo = 0  ; sslConn = 0

Level 6

Read the instrscution to do the Dynamic change:



Here is the listening ports :

When setting up TCP dynamic port ranges, Symantec recommends using a range of 25 allocated ports for the remote computers. The number of dynamic ports used by remote systems can change based on the number of devices being protected and the number of tape devices in use. You may need to increase these port ranges to maintain the highest level of performance. Backup Exec and the firewall need to have the ranges defined (and port 10000).



Level 3

All ports are open.  Here is the latest input to the log.  Any suggestions are appreciated.

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: EnumSelfDLE for file system 42 returned -536805816(0xE000FE48) and 0 DLEs

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: Security is enabled!!!

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - GetCertificateDataFolderPath: Not checking for cluster.

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     [nrds]               - ConnectToServerEndPoint: dest=, service=6101

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     - SSL connection using version TLSv1

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     - SSL connection using cipher AES256-SHA

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     [nrds]               - CreateConnection type=0 on socket 2312 via BESocket OK

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: send of type 7 subtype 2 to target= port=6101 succeeded

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     [BESocket]           - @@@@@@@MyCloseSocket called with sockfd = 2312(0x908)              retval = 0

BEREMOTE: [01/02/12 14:58:18] [7732]     [ndmp\ndmpcomm]      - NrdsAdvertiserThread: advertisement cycle complete.  Waiting 10 minutes before advertising again.

Level 3

I checked all 3 of these documents and I have found nothing that indicates why the commo failure is taking place.  I also checked the firewall logs and still have not found anything that is standing out.  Is it possible to load the Backup Exec program on the remote server while the remote agent is concurrently installed?  This because I would like to complete a backup of some important data while still trying to troubleshoot the remote agent.  Or should I just abandon the remote agent option all together.  Please help.  Thank you.