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Im so confused please help backup failures

Level 2
I just started as IT manager and this is my first time using veritas backup. Im already baffled. The person before me didnt document or organize anything. So right now im trying to figure out how everything works. The backup has been failing for the last 5 days yet i can't find an error message. Could not having remote agent installed on some of the clients computers cause this?.It was backing up before without it installed so I assume it may be something else. Heres the error log.

Job name: Daily BackUp
Job started: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 at 9:00:04 PM
Job type: Backup
Log file: BEX38.txt

Drive and media information from media mount:
Changer Name:
Drive Name: DELL 1
Media Slot: 0
Media Cartridge Label: Wednesday
Targeted Media Set Name: Inventa

Job Operation - Backup
Media operation - overwrite.
Hardware compression enabled.
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "\\INVVAN2KSQL\D$ "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/6/2005 at 9:00:27 PM.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\HR.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\NB031023.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\NBTEST031114.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\NBTest040109.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\NBTest040109_log.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\NewBus.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\Results.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\Inventa_CSS_Data.MDF - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\Inventa_CSS_Log.LDF - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\master.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\mastlog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\Merch_Data.MDF - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\model.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\modellog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\msdbdata.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\msdblog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\northwnd.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\northwnd.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\NSurvey.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\NSurvey_log.LDF - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\PDS_Data.MDF - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\PDS_Log.LDF - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\pubs.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\pubs_log.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\tempdb.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\Data\templog.ldf - skipped.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h0" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h0.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h1" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h1.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h3" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h4A" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h4A.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h4B" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.h4B.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Hash.gthr.idx" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Idm.gthr" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.Ntfy1.gthr" in use - Backed up.
File "" in use - Backed up.
File "CiCL0001.000" in use - Backed up.
File "CiPT0000.000" in use - Backed up.
File "CiSL0001.000" in use - Backed up.
File "INDEX.000" in use - Backed up.
File "00000001.ps1" in use - Backed up.
File "00000001.ps2" in use - Backed up.
File "CiP10000.000" in use - Backed up.
File "CiP20000.000" in use - Backed up.
File "CiST0000.000" in use - Backed up.
File "DocId.Map" in use - Backed up.
File "propstor.bk1" in use - Backed up.
File "propstor.bk2" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h0" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h0.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h1" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h1.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h3" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h4A" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h4A.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h4B" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.h4B.Dir" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Hash.gthr.idx" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Idm.gthr" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.Ntfy1.gthr" in use - Backed up.
File "" in use - Backed up.
File "CiCL0001.000" in use - Backed up.
File "CiPT0000.000" in use - Backed up.
File "CiSL0001.000" in use - Backed up.
File "INDEX.000" in use - Backed up.
File "00000001.ps1" in use - Backed up.
File "00000001.ps2" in use - Backed up.
File "CiP10000.000" in use - Backed up.
File "CiP20000.000" in use - Backed up.
File "CiST0000.000" in use - Backed up.
File "DocId.Map" in use - Backed up.
File "propstor.bk1" in use - Backed up.
File "propstor.bk2" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400005.241.gthr" in use - Backed up.
File "SQL0001400006.36.gthr" in use - Backed up.
File "ERRORLOG" in use - Backed up.
Unable to open the item \sqldb\MSSQL\LOG\Merch_Log.LDF - skipped.
File "SQLAGENT.OUT" in use - Backed up.

Backup completed on 9/6/2005 at 9:04:12 PM.
Backed up 7082 files in 177 directories.
58 files were in use
27 items were skipped.
Processed 2,180,883,594 bytes in 3 minutes and 45 seconds.
Throughput rate: 554.6 MB/min
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "\\INVVAN2KSQL\F$ "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/6/2005 at 9:04:14 PM.

Backup completed on 9/6/2005 at 9:04:49 PM.
Backed up 1677 files in 51 directories.
Processed 35,205,342 bytes in 35 seconds.
Throughput rate: 57.6 MB/min
Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 not present - performing standard backup
WARNING: Backup servers cannot completely protect remote
Windows 2000 servers or workstations unless the Backup
Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 is installed
and running on each remote Windows 2000 server or
workstation to be protected. Data loss can occur if the
Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 is not running
while backing up remote Windows 2000 computers.

Please refer to the documentation or online help for more information.

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "\\INVVANNAVSQL\E$ "
Backup set #3 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/6/2005 at 9:04:58 PM.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\DEMO_1_Data.ndf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\DEMO_Data.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\DEMO_Log.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\LIVE_1_Data.ndf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\LIVE_Data.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\LIVE_Log.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\master.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\mastlog.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\model.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\modellog.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\msdbdata.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\msdblog.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\northwnd.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\northwnd.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\pubs.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\pubs_log.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\tempdb.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\templog.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\TEST2 JUNE 8_1_Data.ndf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\TEST2 JUNE 8_Data.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\TEST2 JUNE 8_Log.ldf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\TEST_1_Data.ndf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\TEST_Data.mdf in use - skipped.
The item \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\TEST_Log.ldf in use - skipped.
File "ERRORLOG" in use - Backed up.

Backup completed on 9/6/2005 at 9:07:02 PM.
Backed up 219 files in 24 directories.
1 file was in use
24 items were skipped.
Processed 48,957,213 bytes in 2 minutes and 4 seconds.
Throughput rate: 22.6 MB/min

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "C: "
Backup set #4 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/6/2005 at 9:07:09 PM.
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JET3.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JET4B17.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\JETF2F6.tmp in use - skipped.
File "adamm.log" in use - Backed up.
File "pvl.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "pvl.mdb" in use - Backed up.
File "WindowsUpdate.log" in use - Backed up.
File "ReportingEvents.log" in use - Backed up.
File "Perflib_Perfdata_464.dat" in use - Backed up.
File "Perflib_Perfdata_7e4.dat" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\dhcp.mdb in use - skipped.
File "DhcpSrvLog.Tue" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\j50.log in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\System32\dhcp\tmp.edb in use - skipped.
File "dns.log" in use - Backed up.
File "dnary.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "ias.ldb" in use - Backed up.
File "ias.mdb" in use - Backed up.
File "ex050907.log" in use - Backed up.
The item \WINNT\SYSVOL\sysvol\\DO_NOT_REMOVE_NtFrs_PreInstall_Directory in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\Temp\JETC7FF.tmp in use - skipped.
The item \WINNT\Temp\JETD8D8.tmp in use - skipped.

Backup completed on 9/6/2005 at 9:23:39 PM.
Backed up 15033 files in 1323 directories.
13 files were in use
9 items were skipped.
Processed 1,965,207,318 bytes in 16 minutes and 30 seconds.
Throughput rate: 113.6 MB/min

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "D: DATA"
Backup set #5 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/6/2005 at 9:23:40 PM.
File "Log.txt" in use - Backed up.

Backup completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:14:53 AM.
Backed up 77061 files in 9580 directories.
1 file was in use
Processed 39,527,925,650 bytes in 3 hours, 51 minutes, and 13 seconds.
Throughput rate: 163.0 MB/min

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "\\INVVANNTPDC\System?State "
Backup set #6 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/7/2005 at 1:14:56 AM.

Backup completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:19:25 AM.
Backed up 2299 files in 188 directories.
Processed 441,450,884 bytes in 4 minutes and 29 seconds.
Throughput rate: 93.9 MB/min
Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 not present - performing standard backup

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "INVVAN2K3PDS "
Backup set #7 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: DATABASE - Back Up Entire Database
Backup started on 9/7/2005 at 1:19:35 AM.

Backup completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:19:41 AM.
Backed up 1 filegroup(s) in 1 database(s)
Processed 8,467,968 bytes in 6 seconds.
Throughput rate: 80.8 MB/min
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "INVVAN2KSQL "
Backup set #8 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: DATABASE - Back Up Entire Database
Backup started on 9/7/2005 at 1:19:42 AM.

Backup completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:21:09 AM.
Backed up 15 database(s)
Backed up 4 filegroup(s) in 4 database(s)
Processed 369,567,715 bytes in 1 minute and 27 seconds.
Throughput rate: 243.1 MB/min
Performing Remote Agent backup

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup of "\\INVVAN2KSQL\System?State "
Backup set #9 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: NORMAL - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit
Backup started on 9/7/2005 at 1:21:09 AM.

Backup completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:22:10 AM.
Backed up 2003 files in 79 directories.
Processed 269,778,765 bytes in 1 minute and 1 second.
Throughput rate: 253.1 MB/min
Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 not present - performing standard backup

Media Name: "Media created 9/6/2005 09:00:05 PM"
Backup set #10 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Backup Type: DATABASE - Back Up Entire Database
Backup started on 9/7/2005 at 1:22:18 AM.

Backup completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:23:29 AM.
Backed up 2 filegroup(s) in 1 database(s)
Processed 379,087,872 bytes in 1 minute and 11 seconds.
Throughput rate: 305.5 MB/min

Job Operation - Verify

Verify of "\\INVVAN2KSQL\D$ "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 1:24:50 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:27:41 AM.
Verified 7082 files in 177 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 2,180,883,594 bytes in 2 minutes and 51 seconds.
Throughput rate: 729.8 MB/min

Verify of "\\INVVAN2KSQL\F$ "
Backup set #2 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 1:27:41 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:27:44 AM.
Verified 1677 files in 51 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 35,205,342 bytes in 3 seconds.
Throughput rate: 671.5 MB/min

Verify of "\\INVVANNAVSQL\E$ "
Backup set #3 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 1:27:44 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:27:47 AM.
Verified 219 files in 24 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 48,957,213 bytes in 3 seconds.
Throughput rate: 933.8 MB/min

Verify of "C: "
Backup set #4 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 1:27:47 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 1:30:33 AM.
Verified 15033 files in 1323 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 1,965,207,318 bytes in 2 minutes and 46 seconds.
Throughput rate: 677.4 MB/min

Verify of "D: DATA"
Backup set #5 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 1:30:33 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 2:41:07 AM.
Verified 77061 files in 9580 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 39,527,925,650 bytes in 1 hour, 10 minutes, and 34 seconds.
Throughput rate: 534.2 MB/min

Verify of "\\INVVANNTPDC\System?State "
Backup set #6 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 2:41:07 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 2:41:40 AM.
Verified 2299 files in 188 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 441,450,884 bytes in 33 seconds.
Throughput rate: 765.5 MB/min

Verify of "INVVAN2K3PDS "
Backup set #7 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 2:41:40 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 2:41:41 AM.
Processed 8,467,968 bytes in 1 second.
Throughput rate: 484.5 MB/min

Verify of "INVVAN2KSQL "
Backup set #8 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 2:41:41 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 2:42:07 AM.
Verified 15 database(s)
Processed 369,567,715 bytes in 26 seconds.
Throughput rate: 813.3 MB/min

Verify of "\\INVVAN2KSQL\System?State "
Backup set #9 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 2:42:07 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 2:42:28 AM.
Verified 2003 files in 79 directories.
0 files were different.
Processed 269,778,765 bytes in 21 seconds.
Throughput rate: 735.1 MB/min

Backup set #10 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Daily BackUp"
Verify started on 9/7/2005 at 2:42:28 AM.

Verify completed on 9/7/2005 at 2:42:55 AM.
Processed 379,087,872 bytes in 27 seconds.
Throughput rate: 803.4 MB/min

Job ended: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 at 1:37:34 PM
Job completion status: Failed

Level 6
Yep - those missing RemoteAgents are the cause of the FAILED status.

Has anything changed since the jobs ran?
Is the BERemote Service running on those servers?

Level 2
The only change is the size of the backup which has grown a bit but the tapes still have plenty of room. I did add a server without installing the remote agent on it but it seemed to backup fine for the first 2 weeks. Now all of sudden it doesnt want to work anymore. Anyways i'll try installing the remote agent I just need to know where to get it from. I've been able to find the serial number for it but havent found the software to install it. Does one server license give you the ability to install as many remote agents as you want?


Level 6
You can install the RemoteAgnet to as many Desktop OS machines as you want (NTPro, W2kPro, XP0. You need one RAWS serial per ServerOS machine you want to backup.

You can either push install the RAWS from the media server by running setup and selecting "Install Options on other machines"

Or you can take the CD to the remote machine (or share out the CD) and drill down to ..\Install\NTAA and run setupaa.cmd

Level 2
Thanks! I was able to install the remote agent on the 2 servers that didnt have it. Hopefully that solves the issue. We'll know by tomorow.