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Install Verita Exchange Agent in Exchange 2000 Server.

Level 2
Hi folks, I am posting here because i ve got a problem in exchange agent installation. Last month I have installed veritas backup exec 11D in backup server. When I do the LTO backup, the log has an error, "the target computer is running a previous version of the backup exec remote agent. You must upgrade the remote agent". I have an instructive that say me how to install the exchange agent.I have to go: c:\program files\veritas\backup exec\nt\agents\rant32, copy that directory in exchange server, and run the executable file. When i do it (it install the agent), I wait to LTO backup and the message is the same. Otherwise i read about the RAWS32 directory, many people install the agent from it directory. My question is... What is the difference of installing the remote agent from RANT32 directory and RAWS32 directory???
Thanks for all, and sorry by my bad English (I from Argentina).

Level 3
Hi Silvio,
Don't worry about your English, it's better than my Spanish :)
With regards to your question, I was always of the opinion that the best way to upgrade an agent was from the 11d server itself.  Go to Tools->Install Remote Agents.  You should then get an MSI "Preparing to install" box for a few seconds and then the wizard will start.  In the Remote Install screen right click on the icon that says "Windows Remote Agents" and click on Add Remote Computer.  You can then browse to the computer you want to upgrade.  Click on it, then click next and select what you want to install.  If you're upgrading a previous version you should get a message pointing this out.
And that's about all there is to it.  This certainly seems to be a cleaner way of doing it rather than copying files around left right and centre!
Hope that was of help,

Level 2
Hi Iain! I m very thankful by you help, but i forgot to write an important detail, the wizard install do not work, it does not recognize my user and password (i am domain administrator) this is the error message:
Anybody know anything about that error? It say tha i have to be a local administrator, but this server is a domain controller!!!
Any Idea ???

Level 3
Make sure that the user you are using is a local administer of the machine.  To do this right click on My Computer and choose "manage".  Then expand Local Users and Groups and click on Groups.  In the right hand pane right click on Administrators and select Add to Group.  Then click on Add, select your domain from the drop down box and add in the account you're using to do the install with.

Level 2
Thanks man, you are very nice, but i can not manage my user as local admin in destiny pc, because the destiny pc is a domain controller (it has the MS exchange)...
any other idea?

Message Edited by Silvio on 05-15-200707:20 AM

Level 6
I think that I can clear this all up for you, Silvio.  First of all, there is no difference bewteen the RANT32 and RAWS32 folder.  Up until 11d it was called RANT32 and now it's called RAWS32.  I would suggest to just do the install by copying that folder to the local server.  I think the problem is that you are running a .exe file.  You should just run setupaa.cmd or setupaofo.cmd and not the .exe or .msi file.  Setupaa.cmd will install the remote agent only.  Setupaofo.cmd will install the remote agent and open file option (if you are licensed for it).

Level 2
Steve, you are the man! Very thanks! That is the best answer to my question. Its really clear all my doubts. Now, I know what I made bad. This Friday I will test this. Thanks to all, you Steve, and Iain, Smiley Wink