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Is Mac agent running?

Level 3
I am not a Mac user. We have one server that we backup that is a Mac. Today I upgraded to 11d, installed all of the remote agents on our windows servers, and then had someone with some Mac knowledge install the Mac agent for me. He said it went successfully but I'm not sure. When I run the command to check the version of remote agent it says 7170 which it should. But the guy doing the install  couldn't run /etc/init.d/systemstarter start VRTrams(was not there). the agent seems to be working...I can back up the server and the old agent says be.agent.disabled so I am assuming I'm good to go. Just not sure what to do if I need to restart the agent. Any advice? How do I know for sure that the correct agent is running?

Level 3
The Mac docs are incorrect; there is no /etc/init.d in OS X. SystemStarter is actually located in /sbin, but you can simply run the SystemStarter command without specifying a path.