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Job engine stops after backup completes

Level 2
Backup Exec 9.1  REV 4691
From around 13th MArch all of a sudden when the backup completes ( sussessfully ) the joob engine stops.
After every days backup when we check the status the next morning the job engine has stopped.
If we don't restart the engine the next scheduled backup fails for obvious reasons.
No obvious messages in Alerts
No obvious event errors although I did find this one

An error occurred while attempting to log in to the following server: "SERVER\SBSMONITORING".

SQL error number: "0011".

SQL error message: "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.



Any sugestions why this should suddenly have started






Level 2
Further information
Backup Exec is on a Small Business Server 2003.
Additional events found

Faulting application bengine.exe, version 9.1.4691.54, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.2.3790.1830, fault address 0x0002f350.


The application, C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\bengine.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 03/21/2007 @ 07:23:50.927 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 7C82F350 (ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection)




Not applicable
Same problem going on here.  Does anybody know of a solution?  I have been looking at other discussion groups on the Internet, and I see no solution.  (many ideas, none proven to work)
From what I have read online, several versions of BackupExec are experiencing the same problem.  This seems strange to me.   It also seems strange that solutions are not posted.  In my 18 years of doing this, I have never seen so many posts without also seeing solutions.  ?!
I'll describe my config below, but this same config has been working for about two years...  the only change is that we keep up to date with MS security patches and Symantec Anti-Virus Corp Edition updates.  I am thinking that some patch or update has caused this problem, as I am unaware of any other changes to my environment.
I have BackupExec 9.1 with all updates running on Windows Server 2003 with all updates.  I am backing up file data from shares that sit on one server (W2K) across the LAN.  Remote Agent is used on the server.  There are no other agents used, as the data is only simple files...  no db's, email, open files, etc.
other details of my problem are as stated in this thread.
Thanks in advance,