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Logon Account Wizard

Level 3
When I have gone through all the wizard steps - as I hit error pops up - says following:
"navtive=0x4818 source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80004005 Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'

I have given it my default Administrator username and password but doesnt seem to work for some reason.

Please help as Im considering if I should buy BackupExec or not...maybe I should buy Retrospect instead - seems like many problems with this your experience also?!


Level 4
Is this on the XP pro media server you mentioned in a previous post? When you installed BE, it installed SQL as well, correct? Did you have any problems specifying a service account during installation? It sounds like the media server is for some reason unable to contact the SQL database that BE uses.

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
Also, is SQL local or remote? What version of SQL (Express, 2000 or 2005)? If it is a remote SQL Express instance that you created, you will need to do the following of the SQL Express computer:

Go to Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2005 | Configuration Tools | Microsoft SQL Surface Area Configuration | Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections.

Select Remote Connections under the Instance and select "Local and Remote Connections. Select TCP/IP if using Backup Exec, select Named Pipes for the Desktop and Laptop Option (DLO) or select TCP/IP and Named Pipes if using Backuo Exec and DLO.

Level 3
Well, I dont see any installed SQL. Would the trial install it automatically?

Just found it under services - no icon in the tray!

Only 2 SQL services are running:
SQL Server Browser

this is running on a AD domain. We dont have any SQL server on the network. So the SQL must come from BE then, correct?!

I only installed it without anything special setup...just followed the setup wizard!

Level 3
SQL is only local computer - where I installed BE on. So I presume its something BE installed!