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MSDE or existing SQL instance

Level 2
Hi, we have a server running MS SQL 2000 that we would like to also use as a BE media server. Is it a better idea to create the BE database in the existing SQL instance, or create a new instance of MSDE? I'm already familiar with the cons of using the existing SQL instance (if the instance crashes, BE will not work). But what are the pros? Which would you reccomend? Thanks

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
first question is performance. If your BE server willl backup lots of remote servers and lots of data, the SQL server will be more sufficient than the MSDE.

The advantage of MSDE is, that it is selfmaintaining.

If you already have knowledge of SQL, you may well put your BE database on your SQL server. You should consider to create a seoerate instance for that, rather than just adding the BE database to an existing one.

Keep in mind, that the automatical restore of master db will not work for the instance, that holds the BE database.



Level 2
So, is it ok to run the full version of MS SQL and an MSDE instance on the same box? Will they interfere with each other?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
yes, you can run MSDB and SQL server on the same box.

This is supported by both, microsoft and VERITAS.

I have planty of installations like this.



Level 6

The functionality of installing Backup Exec in existing SQL instance is provided, but not recommended. The reasons are as those already mentioned in your previous post as well as the ones mentioned in the replies to your post.

The following technote too reiterates the cons of installing BE MSDE in an existing SQL instance:

Title: For optimal results, the Backup Exec Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine instance should not be installed into an existing SQL instance.

In case of further queries on this, you can write back to the forum. However if we do not receive your update within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 2
Looks like there really aren't any "pros". Thanks