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MSXML 4.0 Failed to install

Level 2
Hi everybody,

I've got a problem when upgrading from BE 10D to BE 11D. Installation crashes when installing MSXML... It seems it does not call msiexec correctly. I've enabled short archive names but it allways crashes

The log sais the following:

12-12-2006,11:27:27 : msiexec /i "D:\IT\Download\BackUp\Symantec Backup Exec v11D\WINNT\INSTALL\MSXML\msxml.msi" /l*v C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\MSXML4.log /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress
12-12-2006,11:27:29 : V-225-235: MSXML 4.0 failed to install. ***To search for information about this error, click here
12-12-2006,11:27:29 : V-225-235: MSXML 4.0 SP2 failed to install... Canceling installation. ***To search for information about this error, click here
12-12-2006,11:27:29 : Failed to install third party products.

Can anyone help me?



Level 6

Kindly refer the following Document:

Backup Exec for Windows Servers (BEWS) installation fails with the error, "V-225-235: MSXML 4.0 SP2 failed to install".

Thank You,


Level 2
I'm sorry but I've got no Webroot or Exchange 2007 Beta services running on my machine and the error is still there... It seems the parameters that are passed to msiexec.exe are not correct....

Level 3
I get exactly the same error and am waiting for a support rep to call. The issue is related to the line
msiexec /i "D:\IT\Download\BackUp\Symantec Backup Exec v11D\WINNT\INSTALL\MSXML\msxml.msi" /l*v C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\MSXML4.log /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress

This line mixes short and long file names in the log path and the install will not work due to the fact there is a spce between Backup and Exec. If you take this line and run it from a cmd prompt with quotes after /l*v i.e "C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\MSXML4.log" this part of the install passes.

Only problem is that even if you do this the install still fails as it always tries to run this line.

I have tried messing about with combinations of fsutil to no avail.

As mentioned in other posts this is a badly written install routine.

Level 4
I ran into the same problem.

I have two machines which have just the BE 10.1d Admin Console (AC) installed; a Windows XP Professional (SP-2) and Windows 2003 Server (Standard, SP-1).

Both of which do not have Exchange 2007 Beta or Webroot Client installed.

I have tried uninstalling BE 10.1d AC on both machines (making sure it was removed from the registry) which did not make a difference.

I even went as far as to install the MSXML 4.0 off the 11d installation CD which did not help.

Interestingly enough, I have a test/development BE 10.1d Media Server and I ran the BE 11d setup. It identified that there was an older version of BE installed and it went on to perform an upgrade; it went through without error.

I have not attempted to upgrade my production BE 10.1d Media Server. Not until I can get the 11d AC to install on my workstation first.

Level 3
Found ways around issue. Should not need to do it but it works.
1)Enable 8dot3 support -
fsutil behavior set disable8dot3 0
reboot server

a)Delete folder c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec
if it exists and run BE setup
This allows install routine to create Symantec folder and all subfolders and set short file names for them. Best used for new install.


b)Run fsutil file setshortname "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Backup Exec" Backup~1
Run BE setup program
This method allows any data in these folders to remain intact - best used if doing upgrade

It looks as though all problems are caused by BE insistance that 8dot3 support is enabled. Why do they do this?

Level 2
It works!!

Thanks David!!!!

Level 3
It's a shame Symantec are not aware that you need to delete the symantec directory, have been trying all morning to sort this, and thanks to the forum it's now working.

Level 2
Hi Backup Exec users,
I have the same problem with the MSXML installation error on 11d.
And the instructions from David. But the error is still there.
Background is Windows 2003 Server Standard with SP2, Backup Exec 10d with SP3 is installed.
The Upgrade to Backup Exec 11d build 7170 stops by the MSXML error.
I really do not know what to do.
Greetings from Germany.

Level 4
Hello All,
I had the issue described by the original poster, but the steps listed by David for using fsutil, etc. did not work.  Completely uninstalling BE and deleting any remaining folders didn't help either.  Incidentally, the system where I had the issue was an XP system that was using Remote Administrator, so it wasn't a media server.
After quite a bit of trial and error, I went into Control Panel, Add/Remove programs and found three different items listed for MSXML 4.0.  I deleted ALL of them.  Then I reran the BE setup, and it worked.  Once setup completed, I checked my patch levels, there was a missing MSXML patch, so I went and applied that.
Hopefully this helps someone.

Message Edited by David Fosbenner on 04-26-200708:16 AM

Level 2
David's suggestion did the trick for me when hours of DirectAssist got me nowhere.  Thanks.

Level 2
Hi Dan, hi David!
Smiley Very Happy  YES - thats was the right point in the right direction.
Now the installation could be successfully completed.
Thanks and a good start in the new week.