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Media Remove automated response does not work

Level 2
For 2 months now, my Monday backup does not respond to the Media Remove alert correctly. Tuesday - Thursday work just fine. I have configured the 'Media Remove automated response' in the BEUtility to 'Yes or OK' and I have configured the alert category to automatically clear the Media Remove after 5 minutes (i had it at 1 but that didn't work either). On Mondays, the job finishes around 7:30pm and for the next 10-13 hrs, the Media Remove Alert is cleared every 5 minutes as it is suppose to, however, it is not responded to with a 'Yes or OK' Then all of a sudden after the 10-13hrs, it responds with 'Yes or OK' and finally the job finishes. I figured it was a tape issue since that is the only thing that is different from one day to the next so I tried a new tape but the same thing happened. Then I repaired BackupExec but the same thing happened again. Is there something else I can try?
These Media Remove alerts have gone from registry tweeks for responding to them to gui configs to fix them to finally in ver 10 (so I hear) having the gui fixes being on one screen. When are we going to be able to just simply disable them. Does anyone look at them?

Level 6

We would like to know whether you have performed repair installation or repair database as you have mentioned in your post ?

Please give us the details about your environment and the device you are using .

As you have mentioned that only for Monday Backup it does not respond to Media remove Alert, you can run SGMON in background and try to find the exact error message getting generated when it respond after 10-13hrs suddenly and not after 5 mins.

1.Start SGMON before backup job starts
You will fine this Utility under C:\Program files\Veritas\Backup Exec\NT

2.Paste here that exact error,if any

Hopefully this will help.Revert for further queries.

Thank you

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 2
I performed a repair installation
This is a Dell PowerEdge 2600 running Windows 2000 Server. I use a quantum DLT VS 160

I will try SGMOn next monday

Level 6
Hello Nick,

We shall await your update regarding the output of sgmon. Meanwhile also check for errors in the event logs. Try cleaning the device and run a quick erase on the monday media. Since when is this issue occuring?

Do update on the above. However in case we do not receive your update by next tuesday/wednesday, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 2
Here is what I found. My backup starts at 6:30pm and takes 1hr 10 min to run. On Mondays, it continually requests that the media be removed until 5am. At 5am, the database maintenance so I thought that perhaps this was triggereing it to finally repond Yes. To verify, I changed the database maintenance to run at 8pm.
On Monday, the job finished at 7:40pm and every 5 minutes the Remove media alert came up and automatically closed with no response. Then, sure enough, at 8pm, it responded with Yes.
So, on Monday's only, it does not respond Yes to the media remove alert until the database maintenance runs.

Level 6
May sound like Voodoo tech support, but have you tried deleting and re-creating the Monday job?