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Media Server Restore - database specified does not exist

Level 2
I am attempting to restore a Backup Exec 10 server in a Disaster Recovery exercise scenario. Following the Admin guide, I installed the OS, installed Backup Exec in an alternate directory, inventoried and cataloged the tape, restored all data and System State information, rebooted the server, set services to local system account and attempted to start services. The Backup Exec Device and Media Service service fails to start with an error 1065: the database specified does not exist. This causes several other services to fail as well.
I attempted to recover the database using the BEUtility with the "Drop existing database and reload from backup option" but I receive the error "...the database backup file does not exist." I double checked and the BEDB.BAK is in the ...\NT\Data directory.
What am I missing in all this??

Level 6
Well I'm not sure what the problem is, but you're following the right steps! I do nothing different when I'm doing DR testing. Only difference is that after setting services to run as LocalSystem, I do a reboot.
There's not any unusual permissions on the BEDB.BAK file are there?

Level 2
The reboot doesn't improve the situation. I'm at the point where a few of the services won't start because it can't find the database and the database recovery won't work because it can't find the BAK file. There are no unique security settings applied to the BAK file.
Thanks for the input. If you think of anything else, let me know.