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Media impossible à supprimer

Level 4


Nous avons changé notre bandothèque sur BE 2014 et une bande LTO est toujours "dans l'ancien lecteur" du point de vue de BE 2014. Du coup, impossible d déplacer la bande de Media SET ou de la supprimer.

Comment puis-je forcer le démontage de cette bande, sachant que l'ancien lecteur de l'ancienne bandothèque n'est plus existant et n'est plus connecté au serveur... ?

Merci , Sébastien


Level 6

If the old tape library is disconnected from the server, then you should be able to disable the tape drives and the library, then delete them from the UI.  Then restart the BE services.

Are you able to inventory this media in a working tape drive?  Doing that may get the BE database updated about the new location.

Level 6

also try powercycling the new tape library

  1. Power Off the Server completely 
  2. Power off the Tape Drive then 
  3. Power on the Tape Drive  wait till it is at a 'Ready' State then
  4. Power on the Server
  5. check that the tape drive is functioning correctly in the Windows Device Manager and has a Symantec driver.

Level 4

Thanks for answers.

But my problem is not with the new library (it work fine).

My problem is: the tape drive of OLD library is still present in the "back" of Backup Exec. Not in the interface (the interface show only the new library / drive).

Although i've run the "tapeinst.exe" with checking "Delete entries for tape devices that re unavailable...", the old drive still exist.

And the problem is thas i've a tape media "stuck" in this old drive, that totally refuse to change media set or delete, beacause it's in the old drive.

So, no way to "eject" the tape, because old drive not exite in "real life".

If I put the tape in question, BE creat a new media with same label, but another ID... So impossible to delete the old media tape...

Thanks for your ideas !

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Is there any active job running when you try to change or delete the media ? If yes, cancel any active job and retry.

If this doesn't help, would recommend to log a formal support case as this may require editing the BE database. Thanks.