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Media sets, Cataloging with d2d2t setup questions

Level 4
Ok, i have a ton of problems here with backup exec that frankly im getting very irritated with and its cost me time and the people im trying to help time. Ok first important problem is im trying to restore off a tape that i recently off-loaded from a virtual tape. Problem here was after the backup ran on the virtual tape, the media label was changed without the data being erased and the next night a backup ran on the virtual tape and filled it up.

I then copied the virtual tape to physical tape and stored it on the shelf. Today i come to restore something from this tape and i inventory it and right click restore. Well it goes to the completely wrong media set and the tape isn't even listed in this media set so with?

Ok, so i think "yeah, the label was changed, ill just catalog the tape" Well apparently you cant just catalog one tape to update its catalog, no you have to catalog all the tapes in the media set which is a PITA and never works. It either always says the data is inconsistent or just fails. So i spend a whole day cataloging media to do absolutely nothing at all.

So this question is, how can i catalog a tape that is in no media set but keeps wanting to catalog another media set?

Ok, my next question is since we have been using the d2d2t, i have no idea why it does this but why in the media sets are there like in some sets 10 tapes? This obviously means if i want to keep a monthly backup of our main data drive i have to keep all 10 tapes or i break the media set and im screwed (which is related to my first problem since i cant catalog a single tape). I guess i don't understand why it does this when with our old system with two tape drives that when one tape was full it asked for another and when the backup was done it created that media set with the two tapes. But with the d2d2t it seems to be adding them all the time to media sets when backups normally do the same and use two virtual tapes.

Well i hope i didn't utterly confuse you, im getting to the point where either i need to get better training with BE or completely goto another solution. I hope you guys can help me. Thanks

Level 6

Kindly refer the following Document:

How and why to perform an Inventory and Catalog

Kindly uncheck the option "Use Storage media based Catalogs" from under Tools/Options/ Catalog and then run the catalog operation on this tape.

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Level 4
ok, from reading about this check box it should just catalog the one tape that i want cataloged and not the whole set. But when i goto catalog this tape, its still asking for the other tapes in the set, plus in this set the tape isnt even in it.

edit - Never mind, although it did ask for all the other tapes in the set, its successfully added the tape i was trying to inventory to the set and was able to restore what i wanted. ThanksMessage was edited by:
kyle krenz

Level 4
fixed my catalog problem.