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Move BackupExec SQL database to another drive letter on the same server.

Level 3
critical issue regarding disk space.  the backup exec (v11d) sql database is over 4gb.  need to move just the sql database, not the application, to another drive letter on the same server.  currently it is on drive C: and we need to move it to drive D:. already moved the log files and the catalogs.  can anybody supply me with step by step instructions on how to do this?  found some documentation pertaining to it but can't get it to work.  have copied the db to drive d but everytime backup exec services restart it still looks for the db on drive c.

Level 4
Carried out the same procedure - Have you done a search?

Level 3
actually; yes i have done a search.  your link sends you to docs mostly pertaining to v10.  I am experiencing this issue with v11d.  one of the links points you to a doc about moving backupexe to another computer.  i'm looking to just move the sql db to another drive letter on the same server. thanks for the input though.

Level 4
The KB on moving the sql files (.mdf & .ldf files) is the second one down on that list.
The method i first tried on our 11d environment was to detach the database and reattach it from the new location via SQL. However, the BE services wouldn't have any of it and so crashed. Reason for this is because the locations are hard coded in the registry. That article refers you to the VERITAS folder in the key HKLM but it should be SYMANTEC instead for 11d onwards.
So, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SYMANTEC\Backup Exec For Windows\BEDatabase and change the entries accordingly to reflect the new locations.

Level 3
i tried what you recommended.  i stopped all services including mssql for backupexec... copied the .mdf file and the 2 .ldf files to the new location.  deleted the original 3 that were on my c drive.  edited registry. started my services backup and backup exec is now recreating the files in their original location.

Level 4

Did you go into SQL and attach the database once the files were moved to the new location? BE would look to SQL server for the database and recreate the files if they go missing.


Level 3
unfortunately no.  i am quite the novice when it comes to sql.  i wouldn't even know where to begin concerning mounting the db.  i do know sql v200 and 2005 are both installed on the server.  never did anything with them though.

Level 4

Ok, not to worry. You pretty much completed 50% of the work, albeit the latter rather than the first half of the job Smiley Happy

1. Stop all the services for BE and open up the SQL Enterprise Manager (administration console).

2. Find the BE database by navigating through Microsoft SQL Servers -> SQL Server Group -> SQL severname -> Databases. It should be called BEDB.

At this point, the aim is to detach the original database from SQL which would effectively remove all files relating to the database from the system then re-attach it from the new location. The actual files (mdf & ldf) files will remain, and these are in the default locations.You may have already moved them from before.

3. Right click the database, All Tasks -> Detach Database. It will kick up a few warnings, but just go ahead. When its done, BEDB will have disappeared from the list.

4. Move the mdf & ldf files to the new location (as you did before IIRC).

5. Go into SQL and right click Databases -> Attach and point to the new file location for the original files.

6. When attached, it should show up on the list of databases available and carry the same settings as before.

Then, do as you did before from that KB article. Make sure that the BE services are down and check the registry for the new locations. Make the change if they've reverted then just go ahead and start the services for the BE server.

It should then pick up all the changes and work off the existing files.

Best of luck.

Level 3
i will attempt this later tonight after i get back from taking the wife to dinner.  i'll let you know how i made out.  thanks for everything.

Not applicable
How did this work out? I am trying to do the same thing on my 11d system -- move the database location to another local drive for space issues. I don't have the registry keys mentioned so I am hesitant in going ahead. In my HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SYMANTEC\Backup Exec For Windows\BEDatabase I only have a 'Server Database Server Name' key and no keys that reference database locations.

Level 4
Odd, but i suspect this would be the case until either the services have restarted or the SQL database undergoes a backup.

However, the KB article does state: -

The values of these 2 registry entries point to the locations of the BEDB files as shown in Figure 1.
  • "Server Database Path" = D:\SQL\Data
  • "Server Database Log Path" = E:\SQL\Log
  • If the above registry key entries are non-existent, create them manually. On the right hand side of the Registry Editor pane, right-click, select new "String Value". Enter the appropriate path values.

  • As always, ensure you have backups before tinkering with the registry or the database files.


    Message Edited by Popolou on 02-15-2008 07:56 AM

    Level 3
    It worked.  Thank you Popolou for all you help.

    In regards to the missing registry keys:  Same thing happened to me.  I created them myself.

    To create the keys yourself follow this doc:

    Again, Thank You Popolou.

    Level 4
    Glad i could help. Maybe that specific KB article could do with a small addendum to attaching/detaching the sql database as it is somewhat a vital step to the whole process.

    I must admit however that there does seem to be a vaccum of support in these forums, with anyone official only ever popping around on the infrequent occasion.

    Nonetheless, good to see you back up and running.
