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On-demand backup from remote computer, possible?

Level 3
Yet another question from a newbie:
is it possible to start a backup from a remote machine that has the remote agent installed?

We have a backup schedule but some users need to do incremental backups at some given moments, and want to start them manually.
I don't want to give them access to the full administration console, they should just be able to start the backups on selection lists on their machines.

Is it possible? How?


Level 3
Any suggestions?
We paid quite a bit of money for the whole suite and I can't find any other way to contact the support, so I expected to get some answers at least here...

(plz also see my other two threads)

Level 6
Are you refering to the main Admin cosole or a remote Admin console here?

For a the main Admin console this you can have only one user unfortunately which can do everything. Which needs to have all rights.

You can give specific Rights only to DLO users.

Hope that helps.

Level 6
I had a similar requirement. The Backup Exec agent is passive, and cannot invoke a backup job.

My solution is a little complicated- I created a backup job using BECMD, then created a batch file on the backup server to run the command.

On the client, I created a batch file that calls the batch file on the backup server (using psexec.exe from Winternals).

I then scheduled the client backup using the clients' Windows Task Scheduler- using a domain admin credentials as the runas.

The user can run a backup on demand by going to task scheduler and clicking run now. I can also have scheduled backups run without having to worry about the user turning the workstation off and causing a backup failure (If the workstation is powered down, the backup job does not run- as opposed trying to run and failing)

This is just one (my) method- perhaps there is an easier way....