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One single backub job most times fast, but multiple jobs very slow

Level 2
Our backup-server is a Dell server with a large storage (1,6 TB) and a tape library (60 tapes with a capacity of max. 400 GB compressed files per tape) with two LTO2 drives.
Our backup concept is to do a backup-to-disk job first and then we duplicate the files to tapes, using a policy. Compression rate is "hardware if available, otherwise none". OS of the backup server is win 2003 server, the OS of the remote servers we want to backup is win2k- and win2003- server. In addition we want to backup our exchange mailboxes (exchange 2000) and some SQL-databases (SQL 2000).

When I start a single backup job it runs fast most times, but not every time. But our main problem is when we run multiple jobs. The total performance of all jobs is slower than 300 MB per minute, a single job sometimes runs with nearly 2000 MB per minute, both the backup-to-disk job and the duplication to the tape library. We run the backup at night so our network and all of the remote servers are not busy.

Has anybody here the same problems? Is there any help?

I made a support call at Dell and they checked the hardware.This is OK.

Level 6

Since when does the problem occur? Is the backup to disk also slow? Do you get any hardware errors in the system event logs on the media server?

Refer to the following technotes:

What Backup Exec settings can be modified to reduce the amount of time it takes for a backup to run?

How to correct slow backup performance, slow virus or pre-job scans, and agent initialization problems on fragmented Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows 2003 server partitions

Reasons why the data throughput rate can be slower than the theoretical maximum when backing up to tape media

Revert if the issue persists.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 2

the problem occured starting with the first backup job. We never had a really good performance when we ran multiple jobs. Sometimes even single jobs were quite slowly. It happens both backup-to-disk and duplication to the tape library. There are no hardware errors in the event log. We use our backup server as central administration server and we also use an other server as managed media server. This one backups nearly the same files as the CAS but to a DLT VS160 tape. This backup is much faster.

I did take a look at your technotes:
Our hardware compression is enabled and we also ran a defragmentation. Partion errors were not listed.

We have the problems at two locations, both use the same hardware and the configuration is also the same. Actually there is still running a single backup job (backup-to-disk). It is running for more than 18 hours now and the job rate is 190 MB / min (= 219 GB till now).

What can I do???

Level 6

- What are you actually backing up in this backup job?

- Are you using the aofo option durning the backup?

- Kindly try the backup using Nt backup and check if the backups are still running slow.


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.
