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Oracle 10, ARCHIVELOG errors

Level 3
Hello everyone,

I am having a problem with Backup Exec 11d backing up an oracle database with the BE oracle agent via RMAN. This is the first time I've had to backup an oracle database, so no doubt that has something to do with the problem, but any assistance from an old hand is appreciated.

My problem is that BackupExec tries to backup archivelog files which have been manually deleted. I am aware of "CROSSCHECK ARCHIVELOG ALL", which is great... When I run it manually via SQL PLUS after deleting archivelog files, the backup completes fine. But therein lies the problem, I don't know how to (or if I should have to) run that command through an automated script everytime I delete archivelog files.

The database is configured with ARCHIVELOG mode on. The database generates several hundred megabytes of archivelog files per day. If left to do what it wants to, the oracle database can run up several hundred gigabytes of space just in archivelog files. This is not desired because we have limited backup capacity and as time goes on the full backup takes more and more space.

The software vendor does a great job of supporting their software and the DB to some extent, but when asked the question "How do I prevent archivelog files from building up", we were told we could simply delete them and only keep a couple of weeks worth and that would be adequate.

So, I guess here's my question.

I was under the impression that a full backup done through backup exec should enable me to manually delete archivelog files. It does not currently, and it puzzles me as to why. It seems to me, with everything I've read, that this is the way it should function. In every post I've read, the crosscheck archivelog all; command was run in response to a one-time occurrence of deleted archivelog files, not a continuing problem. But then, almost all of the posts I read were oracle dba's doing rman scripts manually, and didn't seem to be using backup exec.

I am not an oracle DBA, so any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Level 3
bump. anyone? Thanks!


Level 3
The likely solution to this is the option "Delete backed up archivelog files" option under the oracle agent prefs. Pretty stupid. I was seriously overthinking this one.
