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Oracle Backup Failing

Not applicable
We are running 11d with the Oracle agent, every night we get this error:

Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe0000340 - The Database script returned an error. Refer to the Database script output section in job logs for more details. Final error category: Resource Errors <script language="JavaScript"> function Expand() { var srcElement = event.srcElement; if (event.srcElement.tagName != 'TH') srcElement = event.srcElement.parentElement; var child = srcElement.parentElement.parentElement.all[srcElement.getAttribute('child',false)]; if (null != child) { child.className = (child.className == 'COL' ? 'EXP' : 'COL'); if (event.srcElement.tagName == 'INPUT'){ event.srcElement.value = (child.className == 'COL' ? '+' : '-'); } else { for (var i=0;i'COL' ? '+' : '-'); } } } } } function ExpandAll(fromState,toState,image) { var th = document.all.tags('TH'); for (var i=0;i&&(child.className != toState)) { child.className = toState; } } } function OnDocumentLoad() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE '); var bUpdateTables = false; if (msie) { var str = new String(ua.substring(msie+5, ua.indexOf('.',msie) +2)); if (str >= 5.5) { bUpdateTables = true; } } if (bUpdateTables) { var tbl = document.all.tags('TABLE'); for (var i=0;i{ b.className = 'EXP'; } b = document.all[btn]; if (null != b) { b.value = '-'; } } </script>
11.0 version 6235

what shoud I try next.?