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Overwrite Problems

Level 2
OK, here's the story.
Upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1. Configured overwrite automatic responses in BEUtil to Yes or OK for every event.

Media that I have has been imported from previous server which was also 9.1, but now resides in Media Set1.

Overwrite and Append periods are set to NONE.

What happens is, I can schedule a job for about 10 minutes within the current time and every thing is good. The job acts and completes the way I would expect it to.

If I schedule a job to occur at 11pm, we find a message on the screen the following morning that says, "there is no media in the drive". and the tape has been ejected.

What could be happening here (besides not actually having media in the drive, which is not the case)?

Any information would be helpful.



Level 6
If the mounted volume is on the wrong media set, BENT will eject it when a job calling for a different media set runs.

Is this your problem?
or if you manually move these tapes to a media set other than scratch, they immediately take on all properties of the media set including Overwrite Protection

Just for grins, before you leave, inventory the tape, then move it to the scratch media set.

Level 2
These tapes belong to the default media set of Media Set 1.

The tapes have not been moved out to any other set, or scratch set.

What does the scratch set have to do with the job?

Level 6
If the job is overwrite, then the tapes must be either in the scratch media set, or have passed the overwrite protection period.

When you "imported" the tape volumes, how did you do it? if you manually inventoried and cataloged, then moved them to the appropriate media set, the volumes took on the overwrite period as of the time that you moved them into the media set.

Level 6

Like you have mentioned you have set the overwrite protection period to none: Which means the tape is not prtected against overwrite.
Append period is set to none : Which means the append period is zero and the tape cannot be appended to.

In this case only jobs that overxrite the tape will work the ones that you set to append, will fail. As in they will keep searching for an appendable media, the one inserted will be rejected as it is not appendable and will be ejected.

For further explanation please read the following two technotes on media management:

Title : An explanation of the "Overwrite Protection Period" and the "Append Period"

Title : The basics of Advanced Device and Media Management for VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) for Windows Servers

Level 6

In reference to our previous reply to your post, we would request you to update us on the progress.

However, if we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.


Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.