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Please Help - Trape drive not showing at all! Cannot get it to help

Level 3
I have been through so many articles it is embarrasing - I'm hard headed so coming here was my last step.  I'm sure it should have been one of my first.  I would really like to use this product and have plans to implement much with it.  So far I cannot even get it to use a single tape drive on a single server.
Please help.
I have attempted to keep this simple by attaching screen shots and rather telling you all the lost paths I have taken please
I hope you dont mind me giving the link to the errors.  It was the quickest way I could post them - please dont mind the family photo album either... the more time I spend with this though, the more time im away
Some of the errors:
The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree
Some SCSI hardware not matched (Shows 2 devices?!)
The data is invalid

Level 6
Are you using the latest Symatec driver pack?
Have you tried the OEM Driver?
The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree
In Windows Device Manager?

Level 3
I've tried the manufacture Driver as this did not help to show the tape drive in symantec - shows in the OS still.

Latest Symantec Driver pack? - Where might I find this?

The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree is the error I recieve when running the tapeinst or device configuration wizard in Symantec Backupexec.  It is in one of the pictures above in the link.

Level 6
Go the the Product download page at
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