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PreCommand Not Running? / Backup "Completes"

Not applicable
Backup 10d on Win2k3. I have a library management app that neds a DOS .BAT script to down it pre-backup, and then another DOS .BAT script to post-backup. These scripts run fine manually, and when put into Windows' Scheduler.

Put into the BE Pre/Post Command fields, and my job log shows "Starting Pre Job Command < D:\ProgramFiles\Follett\FSC-Destiny\fsc\bin\StopDestinyService.bat>"....but none of the DOS output is added to the log!

Any ideas on how I can view the results of these scripts?

Level 2
I have a similar issue. Did you find the answer?

Level 6
if you logon to that server as the BackupExec service account, does the BAT file still run ok?

Level 2
For my part, I am wondering whether there are any "reserved special characters" which can't be used in the filename of a batch/command file.
I was using an ampersand (&) and that seems to be the cause of why my scripts weren't running. i.e. I think Backup Exec saw the ampersand as a command delimiter or something.
Can anyone confirm / deny this? thanks

Level 6
I don't think it is so much invalid character in the name of the file as it is that "&" specifies a variable in most scipting languages.

Level 2
I think you're probably right.
Either way, putting an ampersand & in the file name of a batch file to run as the Backup Exec post command was definately the cause of all my woes - one to avoid.