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Problems upgrading Remote Agents (BackupExec 12.5, SP1, all Hotfixes installed)

Level 4
We are running Backup Exec 12.5 SP1 on our Server. There have been a few hotfixes in the Past (SP1 including), and we have ran LiveUpdate (on the BackupServer) weekly in order to keep up to date.

However, it seams that the Remote Agents on all the other servers do not get updated by running LiveUpdate on the BackupServer itsself. The question is: How do you do it? I tried to rerun the Install Script from "Tools -> Install Agents and Media Servers on Other Servers...".

After adding a server to the list, i get the following popup:

The Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems version 12.5.2213 has been detected on the target computer fszsp07. There are 20 updates which will be applied to the Remote Agent.

Do you want to continue? [Yes/No]

If I add multiple servers to the list, the remote installation tool freezes and never finishes. Doing it server by server, the installation says it succeeded, but the updates still are not installed. If i try to install the remote agent on the same server again, I get the same message as above.

The only way I have figured out to get the remoteagents to the latest version is to run every single update file from \Agents\RAWS32 or \Agents\RAWSX64 on the remote servers, which is (excuse my language) a complete pain in the ass. But at least that way, beremote.exe and other files are up to date (same version as on the BackupServer). However, if I try to remotely install the agent on a remote system where i have manually updates the remote agent, it will still give me a message like above saying that the remote agent is out of date.

this is true for all our servers with two exceptions:
1. Our BackupServer is a DC. If we try to remotely install the Remote Agent onto another DC, after entering the UserCredentials, I get the following alert:

Attempt to connect to server \\fsz02 failed with the following error: Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.

2. Remotely Installing or upgrading the RemoteAgent on our Server 2008 x64 (running Exchange 2007) is not possible. After entering the user credentials, BackupExec fails with:

Attempt to connect to server \\mail failed with the following error: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.

The Server has 8.5GB free disk space on drive C: (System Drive) and 50GB on drive D:, no other harddisks installed.

So, here's my question: How do I deploy the Hotfixes to the RemoteAgents on a regular basis?

Level 6
Have you rebooted this remote server(s)?

Level 6
In the remote installation wizard where you choose what options to install. Other than the remote agent also check let us say aofo and then have it deselected so only the default value is checked ie. the remote agent then you can go on and have the agent updated or copy the agents directory structure from the media server to the targeted remote agent client and run setupaa.cmd from the RAWS32 or RAWS64 directory. That is if you only whish to upgrade the remote agent which was the case in my case. Make sure that port 10000 is not being blocked by any of the Windows firewalls.
Have you gone to the target server and seen if the service has been installed? Also to to the C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS directory and run vxmon.exe and make sure that everything is ok on the publishing tab.

Once it puts the icon in the Systray, you can also right-click it and determine what version it has been installed.

Level 4
yes, i have rebooted the servers several times.

running the setupaa.cmd and setupaofo.cmd worked, thank you! but it is still a hassle to copy those folders to all the remote agent servery everytime symantec releases a hotfix.

Level 3
I am just in the process of upgrading from 12.0 to 12.5
One server allowed push install/upgrade of agent without bother (simple file backup and Open file)
Next server I had to stop the beremote service (also simple file and Open file), otherwise I got the error first mentioned
Exchange 2007, I am still working on, I have a feeling it will require a manual install (same as BE12 - so tell me again why I am upgrading?)

Level 3
With the ability of the remote agent to report its correct version back to the media server or the media's server ability to interpret the report.  I have the same problem with my 12.5.1 system.  The remote agent seems to be up to date, or the last time I ran the update tool it reported that the Remote Agent updated successfully.....but the "Install agents and Media Server on Other Server.." and\or the "RAWSBulkUpdate" tools report that the agent(s) still need updates when run again; even after Media server and Remote server re-boots.

Both tools 'crash' sometimes, but I can accept that to a certain point if they didn't think every agent needed an update every time.

Level 3
I got round this by installing to the ip address, and by starting a RDP console session logged in as the Backup Exec System account (i.e the one specified in the push).   Not sure which did the trick, but the plan is to do another 40 machines today, so I may find out ;-}

Running 12.5 2213 SP1

Well, so far so boring.  Done just over 20, with only 1 problem.   Didn't use the ip address to fix it this time, just logged on to the server with the system account.

Level 4
I what sounds like a similar problem.  I can't push install Backup Exec remote agent to Server 2008 x64 machines (have never tried Server 2008 x86 machines).  I am logged on to the Backup Exec Media server machine as the domain administrator, and I'm using the domain administrator credentials in the push dialog as well.  This is also the account that runs all the Backup Exec services on the media server.  This problem is driving me crazy, especially as I deploy more 2008 machines.  If anyone knows how to fix this, PLEASE share.  Thanks.

I'm currently using Backup Exec 12.5 SP2 with all the latest hotfixes, and I have two separate identical Backup Exec Media servers, and neither of them can successfully push install the RAWS to Server 2008 x64 machines.

The installation log always says the following:

09-22-2009,15:32:37 : The current user does not have write access to the C:\Windows\Installer directory.
09-22-2009,15:32:37 : The current user does not have write access to the C:\Program Files directory.
09-22-2009,15:32:37 : The install could not verify that the user has rights to required install folders.

09-22-2009,15:32:37 : A fatal error occurred during installation on server 'MYSERVER'.
09-22-2009,15:32:37 : ERROR: Installation failed with error 1603.

Level 3
After updating to all hotfixes i have problem with installing remote agent to exchange 2007 server running under win2003. The error is:

Attempt to connect to server \\server failed with the following error:  Not enough storage is available to complete this operation

I don't know what to do? If some one have the solve of this problem. Please share!

BE 12.5 SP2.

Employee Accredited Certified
Hmm there seem to be multiple issues in this post - however going back to one of the items in the first post

Bear in mind you can more or less work out whether your remote agents are being updated by looking at the file versions of the EXE and DLL files installed on the remote server. They should show - where xxx changes for some of the files. If you look at the release notes for the highest numbered hotfix you have installed, it should list the file versions for you to compare with to confirm the installation.

Level 2
I am having similar issues with the Update the Remote Agent on Windows computers.  I am able to validate credentials to 32 bit 2003 servers but unable to validate the same exact credentials to a 64 bit Exchange 2007 servers.  Anybody else seeing this problem...?

Level 2
I am having similar issues with the Update the Remote Agent on Windows computers.  I am able to validate credentials to 32 bit 2003 servers but unable to validate the same exact credentials to a 64 bit Exchange 2007 servers.  Anybody else seeing this problem...?

Employee Accredited Certified
Document has now been updated to show that a solution to the push install issue has been made available in a Hotfix.

Level 3
I decided to manually install the agent (if you want something done right....). My media server had a setup and .msi package for the agent located in C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Agents\ so, from the server I wanted to back up, I went to the media servers bin and installed it.

I know Backup Exec should be able to do it but I need the server backed up first. I'll fiddle-fart with the reasons why it wasn't letting me push it down later on.