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Problems with GRT and query about Recovery Group

Level 3
I need to restore particular items from a backup that was marked for GRT, but neither the option to recover items nor mailboxes exists in the Recover Wizard.
So, I decided to use a RSG instead; I've created one and looked at the KB article, but a few things are unclear; does BE know to recover the datastore to the RSG instead of to the live mailstore?  This part is uncler to me; there's no option that I can see that says "Redirect this to a recovery storage group".  That's a concern (and maybe its just smart enough but I'm not willing to try without some input).
So, that frightened me a bit so I looked at moving the files manually to the folder for the RSG as outlined here:
Is this as simple as choosing Redirect Exchange Restore sets, and pointing at where I want to stage the files?
Thanks in advance.
BE for Windows on Windows 2003 Std. SP2
Build 71790, SP1, Hotfixes 17-28

Level 3
Sorry, Exchange 2003 SP2 being backed up...

Level 6

Don't feel alone in this one, a lot of our customers have the same problem with restoring to an RSG.  Now to answer your question, there is no redirection.  Just select the database you want to restore (remember you can only do mailbox stores, no public folders for RSG), set your exchange restore options and click submit.

If the RSG has already been created before the restore was started when Backup Exec communicates with the Exchange server it will automatically redirect the restore to the RSG.  You don't have to do anything extra.

Level 3
OK Blip, thanks.  Its just a little nerve wracking when it appears your restore will drop over your running mailstore.
Does the RSG need a store in it, or do I just need to create the group itself?

Level 6
Check out this technote, it should answer all your questions about recovering to a RSG. -Restoring Exchange 2003 data using the Recovery Storage Group

Level 3
OK, I see.  You tell the RSG which mailstore it's going to recover.  OK, thanks for your help.

Level 3
Just to ensure I'm not missing anything.
1.  Create RSG on exchange server in same administrative group.
2.  Select mailbox store I am restoring from tape for the RSG in Exchange System Manager.
3.  Start restore job from tape, selecting only mailbox store.
4.  Uncheck "Commit after restore" and "Mount database after restore" options.
5.  Point the staging field to somewhere on the Exchange server with at least as much space as the EDB files.
6.  Recover (crossing fingers all the while as users happily go about checking their mail).
Do I have this correct?

Level 6
That would be correct.

Now once you have the data in the RSG, you'll need to use a tool like ExMerge to get the data out of it.  Do a search on Microsofts website on how to use the tool.

Level 3
OK, I assume this should be done off peak hours, even though its not touching the live mailstore?

Level 6
I've never had any issues doing it during business hours. But every time I've worked with customers using the tool they were exporting the data to a PST file then putting the data back in through outlook.  So it didn't touch the live store until they went to merge the PST data back in.

Level 6
Also, it really depends on what your exchange server can handle.  If it can handle the load of the restore and users accessing it, then you can do it during business hours.  But that is up to you.

Level 3
OK, thanks again.  It's making me nervous, I have to admit, but I'll trust your expertise.  I will probably give it a shot tomorrow noontime, as I suspect most of our company will be off.
Thanks again.

Level 3
OK, Blipsey, here's a problem.  Aparently, thse backupos are using VSS as I get this error:
Unable to restore some Microsoft Exchange components because one or more of the databases are currently mounted or because the Recovery Storage Group is not properly configured. Use the Exchange System Manager to check the configuration of the Recovery Storage Group and the mount status of the databases.
What are my options to recover brick level now?  Or am I stuck building a brand new Exchange server in isolation?

Level 6
What are my options to recover brick level now?  Or am I stuck building a brand new Exchange server in isolation?

Well unless you want to restore over the top of you existing store.