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Problems with remote agent

Level 3
I have Veritas backup for SBS 2003 installed on my SBS2003 machine. I have recently tried doing a push install to my other server 2003 machine which completed successfully. After trying to do backups i get the error 'unable to initialise remote agent' or the email alert saying 'remote agent not installed'
I have updated my version of 9.1 to service pack 5. Reinstalled the remote agent, verified that it is installed, checked that port 10000 is open and listening on the other server 2003 machine and still have no luck.
Can anyone tell me what else to check?

Level 6
Can you ping both ways by Name and IP address?
is anything else using port 10000 on the media server?

Level 3
Hi Ken,
I just checked then and yes, i am able to ping both ways using both name and IP.
No, there is nothing else on that port.
Any ideas?!

Level 6
What are the exact errors?

Level 3
Server - MERTON
WARNING: Media servers cannot completely protect remoteWindows-based servers or workstations unless the BackupExec Remote Agent is installedand running on each remote Windows-based server orworkstation to be protected. Data loss can occur if theRemote Agent is not runningwhile backing up remote Windows-based computers.Please refer to the documentation or online help for more information.Unable to initialize Remote Agent
Set Information - \\MERTON\EOSBackup Set Information
Family Name: "Media created 4/12/2007 10:50:03 PM"Backup of "\\MERTON\EOS "Backup set #4 on storage media #1Backup set description: "ADA Mon-Thur Incremental"Backup Type: INCREMENTAL - Using modified time

Backup started on 4/13/2007 at 12:02:09 AM.Backup completed on 4/13/2007 at 12:13:55 AM.
Backup Set Summary
Backed up 709 files in 93 directories.Processed 1,651,086,059 bytes in  11 minutes and  46 seconds.Throughput rate: 134 MB/min



Job Completion Status
Job ended: Friday, April 13, 2007 at 1:38:36 AMCompleted status: Completed with exceptionsFinal error: 0x0 - Final error category: 

Click an error below to locate it in the job log

Backup - MERTON
Unable to initialize Remote Agent


Level 6

Level 3
I will give that a go and see how it goes with the back up tonight, thanks.

Level 3
Hi Ken,
I followed that article and changed the priority. I still received the same error in Veritas job history:
And in my email alerts:
(Server: "ADA-SERVER") (Job: "ADA Mon-Thur Incremental") The job complete d successfully. However, the following conditions were encountered:

Could not completely protect remote computers because the Backup Exec Remote Agent was not installed.


Any ideas?!


Level 6
Sorry, at this point I'm out of suggestions.
(At least you are getting data backed up, just not system state )

Level 3
Thanks for your help, Ken.