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SQL Agent, AOFO and Log Files.

Level 4
I need to capture two log files as part of a backup regime instigated by a secondary source. They have informed us that we need to capture a .ldf and .mdf file. I have these files selected in the backup, but they are not captured as they are continually open.
I have Backup Exec 11d installed on the Media Server with the licensed SQL Agent installed on the Server to be backed up.
Can anyone provide any assistance as to how this achieved, with undertaking downtime for the Server.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Level 6
The mdf and ldf is a database file.
To backup the physical files the SQL services need to be stopped.
To backup these files with an "online" backup, you will back it up through your SQL agent.
Not knowing why they would need the mdf and ldf, a bak file should be fine.  You can run a SQL backup through SQL and backup the flat bak file.
Please let me know if this answers your question.

Level 4
Thanks for your reply. Can you explain the line -
To backup these files with an "online" backup, you will back it up through your SQL agent.
I have the SQL Agent installed, but still no log files are collected.

Level 6
FLAT FILE Backup: Flat file backups are also known as "File-Level" backups because the backups are taken after shutting down SQL server services. When performing a file-level backup, the user actually backs up the structure of the database. It is very important that a user performs a file level backup when they first start using the Backup Exec SQL Agent, as well as when the structural changes are made to the SQL database. (This process is also known as COLD backup.)

ONLINE Backup: As the name suggests, it is the logical backup and it is taken while the database is ONLINE and available to the users. It helps preventing any downtime during the backup process. (This process is also known as HOT backup)
When you perform an online backup, you will not have the MDF and the LDF files, you will have a logical backup of the Database.  To restore you would restore it back to SQL, not to a physical file format.
Please let me know if this clears it up for you.