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Question re: Remote Agent license in BE 12

Level 3
Let's say I have licenses for 50 Remote Agents in Backup Exec version 12.  My boss adds five new servers to the network today and tells me to start backing them up ASAP, they are mission critical.  I deploy the Remote Agents to those five new servers and begin backing them up immediately.  I then submit a purchase request to our procurement department for the purchase of five additional Remote Agents.  I get the license key for my five additional Remote Agents two weeks later and then I add them to Backup Exec. 
The key here is that during those two weeks while I was waiting on the procurement process and my license key, I was able to backup and protect those mission critical servers.  This is how it has worked for all the past versions of Backup Exec.
My question is, will the above scenario still hold true in Backup Exec version 12?  Or will the software only allow backup of just the precise amount of Remote Agents it has registered in the software? 
Thank you. 

Level 6
It still works that way in BE12.