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Remote Agent for Windows Servers/Advanced Open File Agent

Level 3

I've been having endless troubles with our newly purchased AOFO option. Open files on two different servers simply refuse to be backup up, they are always marked as in use. To try and resolve this issue I have completely uninstalled and reinstalled Backup Exec, and now I have completely removed the two agents from the servers in question. Now the problem is that I cannot redeploy the agents to the one server (The other server worked 100%). The installation simply does not work! Firstly, I have tried the remote install option from the Backup Exec server, it completes 100% then states that an automatic reboot was initiated. The server never actually reboots, so I do it manually yet there are NO backup exec files on the server. I have also tried a manual install using the .cmd file in the RANT32 folder. The batch file flashes for 2 seconds and then jumps back to the execute prompt. Once again nothing happens. Can anyone point to a possible solution as I can now obviously do no backups at all of this server?

Level 6
Have you copied the install files locally to the server first?
(you may delete them afterwards)

And then start the batch job in a command prompt window.

Soemtimes this was necessary on my servers.


Level 3
Yes, I've copied the install files to the local drive (C: and D: partition as a test). I've also tried doing a batch install across the LAN from the Backup Exec server. This is what the bkupinst.log says:

06-18-2006,11:39:55 : Starting remote installation on server SRV006

06-18-2006,11:39:55 : Push-Installing RAWS.

06-18-2006,11:39:55 : The Support Directory is C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Agents\Rant32\

06-18-2006,11:39:55 : CDlgBeInstPushStatus::GetRawsAdvertiseHostnamelist

06-18-2006,11:39:55 : Parameters passed to the RAWS install= /k SOFTWARE\VERITAS\BU\STATUS /i "setup.exe /RANT32: -s", AOFO install= /k SOFTWARE\VERITAS\BU\STATUS /i "setup.exe /AOFO: -s"

06-18-2006,11:40:11 : Successful Backup Exec Remote Agents install. Automatically rebooted.

06-18-2006,11:42:57 : Validating install complete

06-18-2006,11:42:57 : Un-registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-18-2006,11:42:57 : Successful un-registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared\becombinder.dll

06-18-2006,11:42:57 : CLEANUP: Install has removed the following files from: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\{B85BA2E5-BD10-4B9D-AE29-BC11947A834D}
06-18-2006,11:42:57 : Removed files: advertised.JPG, error.jpg, error2.jpg, information.JPG, install.JPG, InstallReview.htm, InstallReview.xml, inst_icon.JPG, logo.JPG, warning.JPG, warning2.jpg,
06-18-2006,11:42:57 : SUCCESS: Installation has completed successfully.

By the lack of positive feedback can I assume that no-one has experienced anything like this before?

Level 6

Kindly refer the following Document to install the Option locally again.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered
and would be moved to answered questions pool.


Level 3
Hi, as mentioned above, I have done all of that and it doesn't work. I have also done the local install on another server (which worked 100%), so that I know how long the installation should take. On the problematic server, the command prompt screen executes for two seconds then jumps back to the C: prompt..

Level 6

- Could you check for errors in the *bkupinst.log* on the Remote machine? This should be created at the Local Installation that you tried.
You could paste the error here.

- Also check for any errors in the event logs.

Please let us know.


Level 3
Thank you for the reply, that pointed me in the right direction. Port 10000 is in use by Trend Micro Anti-Virus on this server (even though that port should not be used). I temporarily deacitvated all Trend services and managed to install the Remote/AOFO agent.

Thanks again,
