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Remote Agents no longer found

Level 2
I am running BE V.8.6. I know this is a 9.0 forum but hey, this is what I have and I need help. Previously, I had BE running on a Windows 2K server which was a member of a Windows NT domain. It was not a PDC or BDC. I had remote clients installed on three other servers, all Win2K machines, also members of this NT domain and also not PDC's or BDC's.

Recently I made two changes:
First, I brought up a Windows2003 domain. I unjoined the 4 servers mentioned above from the NT domain and added them onto my Win2003 domain. None are domain controllers.
Second, I changed the IP subnet numbers from routable numbers to an internal subnet which is behind my firewall. The firewall runs NAT. All machines are behind the firewall, and don't communicate through the firewall.

The problem is the Remote agents are no longer recognized as being installed on the other servers. I have tried uninstalling the remote agents and reinstalling, I have searched through the registry of each of the servers looking for references to BE and deleting them, and then reinstalling. Nothing works. How do I get the BE server to recognize that my other servers do indeed have the Remote Agent installed? Thank you.

Level 6
Can yo uping each way From/to the media server and these problem machines by both IP and name?

is the media server also in this Win2003 domain?

Level 2
I can ping all machines from the media server and vice versa. All backup jobs seem to work fine also. However, the Activity Monitor lists them as having failed because:

Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 not present - performing standard backup
WARNING: Media servers cannot completely protect remote
Windows 2000 servers or workstations unless the Backup
Exec Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 is installed
and running on each remote Windows 2000 server or
workstation to be protected. Data loss can occur if the
Remote Agent for Windows NT/2000 is not running
while backing up remote Windows 2000 computers.

Thank you.

Level 6
May or may not apply but see

You do know that v8.6 does not support W2K3. You need v9.0.4454 for that

Level 2
That did it! I never thought deleting an Appletalk protocol from my network settings would have caused such a problem, especially since I haven't needed or used the Appletalk protocol in quite some time. Thanks very much!