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Remove or Update Backup Exec 9.0

Level 2

We have Backup Exec 9.0 Rev. 4454 installed on a fileserver with Windows 2000 Server and Exchange 2000. So far, everything works fine.

Problems comes up, when I d'like to stop all the Backup Exec tasks in the menu 'extras'. Everything went wrong from this moment on. There are several tasks that doesn't start. Especially Exchange and Veritas tasks and the ISM property page fails to appear and the MMC cannot be closed from now on as described in MSKB 252417. There, a dll with the name rcse.dll from Stac Electronics is responsible for that problem. Unfortunately I couldn't find this dll within our server and it seems, that we are alone on the big wide world with this problem.

Last night I had to restore the whole server the 2nd time from the tape.

Is there anybody with the same problem or a tool to remove Backup Exec from the Registry and the Server? Removal with Backup Exec's installer ends in the same desaster, also the upgrade to Version 10d.

Any help would be very appreaceated!


Level 6

"Problems comes up, when I d'like to stop all the Backup Exec tasks in the menu 'extras' " - By "tasks" do you mean the Backup Exec services?

Which option are you referring to under Menu "Extras"..?

The search for Microsoft KBID 252417 doesnt provide any results on the Microsoft support web site.

Could you confirm the number once again?

"Removal with Backup Exec's installer ends in the same desaster, also the upgrade to Version 10d."

-Does the uninstallation fail with an error?
-If so, what error?

Could you please explain the problem in slightly more detail?

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 6

Please update if the earlier provided solution has helped in resolving the issue.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2

Yes, I mean the Backup Exec Services.

Here is the info from MSKB 252417:

ISM Property Pages Fail to Appear and the MMC Cannot Be Closed
View products that this article applies to.
Article ID : 252417
Last Review : June 22, 2005
Revision : 3.1
This article was previously published under Q252417
We strongly recommend that all users upgrade to Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 6.0 running on Microsoft Windows Server 2003. IIS 6.0 significantly increases Web infrastructure security. For more information about IIS security-related topics, visit the following Microsoft Web site: (
When you use Microsoft Management Console (MMC) version 1.1, the property sheets under Internet Information Server (IIS) may stop appearing. When opening the properties of a Web site or virtual directory, the title bar of the IIS MMC will become inactive, as if a new active window, an IIS property sheet has appeared, but none does appear. When trying to close the MMC, the following error message appears:
Please close all property pages before closing.
In the MMC version 1.2, when you use Event Viewer, you see that property pages do not appear and the MMC cannot be closed. When you attempt to close Event Viewer, you receive the following error message:
Close all property pages before closing Event Viewer.
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The Rcse.dll file is installed in association with certain tape-backup software.
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To work around this problem, follow these steps: 1. Use the Internet Service Manager (HTML) to administer the Web site.
2. Connect to the server from a computer that does not have the DLL installed and remotely administer the computer through the MMC.
3. Remove Rcse.dll from the system. To do this, use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall the Stac Replica software. Be sure to remove the shared system file, Rcse.dll, during the uninstall. When Rcse.dll is removed, the MMC will behave normally again.
NOTE: The MMC also behaves normally for a while after you restart or log back on to the computer.

If the Stac Replica software has already been removed, and Rcse.dll is present on the system, follow these steps to remove the file: 1. Install The Stac Replica software from the source files.
2. Uninstall the Stac Replica software by using Add/Remove Programs.
3. During the uninstall process, be sure to remove the shared system file, Rcse.dll.

The uninstall ends with an installer error.

I am unable to tell you more of the problem this moment because the system runs the moment and we need it. I try to make a image the comming weekend with Acronis Server so that I can restore fast the last condition.

Thanks for your help!


Level 6

Please keep us updating about this issue.


Level 2
Solved the problem by update to version 9.1. Then I was able to remove Backup Exec with his installer